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Everything posted by aussiedelta

  1. I really don't know where else to ask this so sorry if I've put it in the wrong spot, but is anyone else having an issue where Steam is perpetually downloading Steam workshop mods. Steam itself downloads 2.4MB worth of data (or around that much) and then stops and its status is stated as "Starting", when its doing nothing. Its clogging up my downloads and impeding me downloading anything via Steam unless I clear the download cache, the problem then comes back when I start up ARMA 3 again. At this point I've reinstalled steam, unsubbed from all my mods, clearning caches, reinstalling sections of ARMA 3 (Mainly the launcher) and repairing Steam folders. Its getting infuriating and I don't know what do do next. If anyone can help out I'd appreciate it. Edit: I sent a steam support request but they were pretty useless, just directing me to their Updates and downloads issue page
  2. aussiedelta


    Heyo guys was just looking around for some sort of radio script for an ambient music kinda thing, If anyone can help me out that would be MUCH appreciated.
  3. Heyo lads and ladettes, I was wondering if anyone has had problems with their substances, e.g high standing, lowstanding, stepping left/right - Basically pressing the CTRL button and hitting WASD etc. Whenever I hit those keys nothing happens, I just shuffle on the spot as if I tapped one of the WASD keys without holding CTRL, so basically im not shifting stances and can only use crouch stand and prone. Anyone else having this since 1.40?? P.S Ok so apparentely I didnt look hard enough at the troubleshooting thread -_- fix was already found......
  4. This sounds like it can be an amazing addon mate! I sincerely hope that this goes well for you! I'd help out but I have zero editing skills although if you need someone to create missions or a campaign don't hesitate to contact me. I've been waiting a while for a mod like this and hopefully it has a long and prosperous life in ARMA 3.
  5. Mate these choppers are awesome keep up the great work!
  6. aussiedelta

    ArmA 2 C-130J and MV-22 Redux

    Hey Sakura looove what your doing here and thought i'd give the C-130 some love after the uh... debate about the V-22. Is it possible for you to have para lights e.g Red light green light type that can only be used by someone like a loadmaster? -I' ve aid it once but I love what your doing especially with the C-130 looks awesome!
  7. aussiedelta

    CQB Training Facility

    Nice mate I was making a training map on Stratis for the 15th but that project fell into disrepair after a couple of weeks of misuse. Still got the mission file hough soo o yeah. Anyways looks great m8 :cool:
  8. aussiedelta

    Fun with User Textures

    Yeah im having a problem as well can't find it :( looks amazing mat keep up the good work
  9. aussiedelta


    I know im a little late on replying but thanks all you guys for the help!
  10. aussiedelta

    Beretta Model 93R "Raffica"

    Yeah I was having that problem to I deleted the whole paa and icon thing for the mod and it started working. I believe you may need to work on the config there.