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About rubberduck1971

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  1. rubberduck1971

    Torpedoes are broken

    never tried it, is this possible to harm the CV? rubberduck1971 :butbut:
  2. rubberduck1971

    Torpedoes are broken

    Dear Members and Players, this happens everytimes i launched one with different Launch Parameters. I tried it a lot of times after saveing. Also a lot of times at different Islands. It make no different, if i fly fast, slow, high, low and weather conditions. Every time my Manta explodes. Thanks for help rubberduck1971
  3. Dear Species 1571, thank you for the quick answer rubberduck1971
  4. Hello togehter and hello Species1571, first i will thanks for that great MOD, i played it several times since Version 1.07! And it is really great! But now i have a question about the torpedos. I tried to sink the third respawned carrier with Torpedos. And every time i fire them, my Manta will explode. In the vanilla i never had this Problem. Are in the mod any special Torpedo release parameters? When yes, please tell me that parameters. Normally i sink the enemy carriers with Tomahawks and rockets. But now i tried to make a fast end with it, because the enemy carrier take my Islands very fast. Thanks for your help Rubberduck1971 PS: Keep up the cool work! It is great!