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About Zakun

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    Private First Class
  1. You should now also be able to allow somebody to edit your squad. You can select who when editing a squad. -Zakun
  2. You can now get to your account settings if you click your username in the menu, you will be able to change your password there -Zakun
  3. By sub-manages/admin, do you mean to allow other accounts that you choose to edit your squad? Or to allow one account make squads under your account? -Zakun
  4. I think this thread did better in the squads section :/
  5. I must've missed this section when looking where to post it (I think I stopped looking after I found a squad section though) Thank you :)
  6. It's not required, but I'm pretty sure if it's not 128x128, 256x256 or 512x512 then the game won't accept it
  7. Squads can now have a .paa image, it will work in-game, but will not be displayed on the website This can be done when creating, or editing a squad. The recruiting system has also been improved
  8. zFlash, your login should now be working
  9. Yeah, I'll post here, and I'll see what can be worked out for this What web browser are you using? Have you activated your account? What is your username?
  10. Hi Nick103, I've been thinking the same recently, I'll add it to the allowed extensions, though I'm not sure it'd display properly on the website. I'll look into adding it EDIT: PHP can't handle .PAA files, so they would not be able to be displayed or resized, so it would have to be uploaded as 512x512 else the game wouldn't accept the file.
  11. Sincere apologies, was a slight overlooking of something on my part. This has been resolved :)
  12. Hey Alpha-Kilo Thank you :) even if they have a server and want a squad, let 'em know about it ;) Also, site has been updated so people can now fully edit their squad (Images can be changed, but I think it's a bit buggy yet, so we're gonna look more into it) I'll update this thread when I know for sure that images can be changed Thanks for your support EDIT: Image changing is now fully working EDIT 2: Usernames can now have - (hyphen) and _ (underscore) in them EDIT 3: Added some text on the website to mention the limitations without donating. If you have donated, the message will change to let you know how many players and squads you can have
  13. Alpha-Kilo, It does have a bit of text to the right of where you upload, explaining that it will be re-sized to 512x512 No, the image and squad info cannot be edited yet (The character info can however), though I am going to be adding this functionality I can see what you mean with the donation system, but because of the way it's done, where you can select an amount to give is a better system, than having a set amount for purchases This is because if you donate $1 for the 'bronze' package, and then want the silver package, on most websites you would have to pay the $4, on ours you only have to pay $3, because you already paid $1 I will try to think of a way to display that donations will allow you more players/squads to create in a tidy way We didn't mean to try to hide it, we just couldn't think of a clean way to display it along side the squad creation, as we don't really have a homepage, it's just right into the squad generator Thank you again for your feedback
  14. Thank you for the feedback, I'll see what I can do about lifting the restriction on usernames for certain special characters Yeah, I was looking into making it so the website could make XML's for ArmA 3 last night, then realized it's the exact same format =] And yeah, I tried letting it just scale the image to be a max length or width as 512, and letting it scale the other, but the game said it could only be 2*2 ratio for size, so now it just sets all images to 512x512 Thank you for the feedback :) I'll update the website and forum posts to say it's for ArmA 3 too
  15. If anyone does use this, could you please post with your experience of it, and any suggestions or constructive criticism would be nice too, thank you =]