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About war34d

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    Private First Class
  1. Still doesn't work. But I solved the problem. I put this in condition and selected anybody for presence. (player1 in thisList) It worked.
  2. For some reason when I put this line in On Activation feild and press OK, it says "Missing;"
  3. Hello guy's. I'm trying to create a coop mission and in this scenerio we have to rescue 3 hostages and bring them back to base. If all these 3 hostages die than mission will fail. I understand how to use create task and task state modules. The problem i'm facing is when i take one of the hostages (say player1) to base and It should say player1 task state succesful. Normally one simple way would be to create a trigger and it activates in the presence of a civilian, but I want it to activate when a certain player enters the area. What should i put in description of trigger and/or On Act? Or any other way to activate the trigger when certain player (player1) enters in trigger area?
  4. Thanks Jshock for the reply, What you are suggesting might work but it's a bit complicated. Thanks to @FeuerEXcz found a better and simple way, it's funny that we didn't think of that. If you just select the cycle waypoint and add another seek and destroy waypoint, than sync the cycle waypoint to a switch trigger. The only drawback with this method is that the group has to get to the cycle waypoint before leave petroling and engage enemy but i think i can live with that :)
  5. Thanks for the reply, I don't think these scripts are the answer to my question. The reason i prefer to create mission old fashion way is because you know exactly which area AI should be gaurding and when they should attack. I also find that some of these scrips can drop frames significantly. For some people UPS and DAC can be really useful but i prefer to do everything myself.
  6. Hey Everyone, When ever I'm working on a mission move and cycle way points are always used for the AI to petrol a certain area. The problem is when that area is under attack the AI still petroling their defined path unless they have visual contact, I wanted to ask you guys if there is anyway for AI to break patroling behaviour and switch to Seek and destroy waypoint when a trigger gets activated?! For example, an AI squad is given 4 move and 1 cycle waypoints and they will keep patroling unless they see an enemy. Now i want them to leave petroling and engage enimies when area is underattack.
  7. Hello guy's.. I think Gulozwood is inactive for a long time so this is for anyone who is fimilier with scripting. Recently i wanted to create a servival coop mission and almost finished making it using dawn of the dead mod for texture and Infected script but i encountered a strange problem. I realized that when ever i click on the map while in preview mode in editor, the game teleports me to that location. I thought it could be because of the editor i checked this on multiplayer and my friend could also teleport when he clicked on the map. I tried the script by disabling all the mods and running it with base game still no luck. My friend tried it on his pc and he also faced the same problem, I'm noob when it comes to scripting so can anyone plz download and check this script or maybe suggest a fix. Edit. Thanks to F2kSel prolem is solved, In the init.sqf file change this line ["click", "onMapSingleClick", { player setPos _pos; }] call BIS_fnc_addStackedEventHandler; to // ["click", "onMapSingleClick", { player setPos _pos; }] call BIS_fnc_addStackedEventHandler;
  8. war34d

    Boehmia, be reasonable, and honest.

    I'm with you Brother, just wondering will BI be fixing this game in future or its just useless to hope.
  9. It's the issue with Game Engine. I have the same GPU and if i spawn as the only player in editor and use ultra settings (except for AA) i get 60 fps with 90% GPU usage. But if i put some AI and vehicles on the map and give them waypoints, in short as the scripting and object on the map increases the gpu usage decreases along side with fps rate. Just wait and hope that in the final build this issue will be fixed.
  10. The problem is not your CPU or GPU, the problem is in Arma 3 engine. To prove my point, i will give you an example.. If you run Infantry showcase "the first mission" and set your graphics to ultra (if you have a high end gpu, high if its mid range) except for AA, you will notice that your gpu usage is pretty high when the mission starts and you will also be getting 40+ frames (on my Gtx 660ti usage is about 90% on ultra except for AA). As you move on in the mission and number of AI and scripting increases you will notice that your frame rates will start to drop along side with your gpu usage. Now all the showcases are still playable but if you join a MP server with large number of players you will notice that your GPU usage is pretty low which causing low frame rate as well. I have experienced that if im in a high number player server my gpu usage is always below 40% and my cpu cores are also below 55%. You can test this even in editor spawn as the player on the map and check your cpu and gpu usage, you will find that with good frames gpu/cpu usage is pretty high but in the same spot if you spawn some vehicles and AI's and do some scripting you will notice that your Gpu/cpu usage drops with your fps rate. In short this is a problem with engine or game. Im not a technical person so i don't know what causes this problem, but i hope with in few months they will solve this issue. I love ARMA
  11. war34d

    Low CPU utilization & Low FPS

    +1 Totally agree with you, and this is not the first time they are giving us an unoptimized or unfinished game. How complicated it can be for a developer to realize that the engine they are using is not the best for their game. All i wanted they simply should have told us the truth that the minimum requirement to run the game is intel i7 or 8 core amd processor. Even than in large MP server its unplayble. I lost my all hopes and i can never recommend this game to any of my friend. Arma has always been my favorite game but its what you said "No competition = lazy developers" they know we have no choice but to buy it.
  12. war34d

    Low CPU utilization & Low FPS

    Some people i see are trying to defend dev's and their poor optimized game. People are spending more money to upgrade their pc's and thinking now they will get better performance but I think we forgot the title of this thread, which is "Low cpu utilization and low fps". When im playing in a small multiplayer server i get about 35 fps avg. but when player count goes to 60 i start to get less than 20 fps. Plz dev's don't tell me that i need to upgrade my cpu or gpu, its your game which is not utilizing my processor properly. no matter how low fps i get, my processor utilization never goes more than 53%. I think @TSAndrey is right this thread is 179 pages long and we had this issue in arma 2 as well, Now they should simply say "this is how it is, take it or leave" because only 12 days remaning to release and so far i don't see any fix.
  13. war34d

    Low CPU utilization & Low FPS

    Same question as Mobile_Medic asked above. So far MP for many people is almost unplayable.
  14. war34d

    Low CPU utilization & Low FPS

    It's been a while i got this game.. initially i was getting very low fps but than again that was alpha and now its beta with a patch but nothing changed. I thought maybe its my system not the game, so i checked my cpu and gpu usage while playing in some servers they never went above 55% (cpu usage) 70% ( gpu usage with high settings ). I also tried with low graphic settings and changed the view distance i get more fps but again when i join a server sometime i get 12 fps. Now i dont want to compare this game with any other but can the dev's explain why i get 60 fps with high settings on editor or on an empty server and get 16 fps when there are 20 player? If the game was utilizing even 90% of my cpu power than i would think its my system not the game. If anyone knows the solution for this problem plz do share.
  15. war34d

    Extremely Low Fps

    I also just got the game and im getting 20 fps in every major server sometime fps drops to 12.. so i enabled my on cup core usage and gpu usage plus temprature .. when i was having 12 fps my cpu cores were running max at 55% with temprature of 40C and my gpu was at 17% as i selected low fps.. system sepc are i5 3570, Gpu 660ti and 8 GB Ram. why the game is not utilizing my processor and gpu properly??