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About Ra-USMC

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  1. Ra-USMC

    Arma WarGames League

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  2. Ra-USMC

    Managing a new community

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  3. Ra-USMC

    Managing a new community

    Hi MatzeOGH, There are a couple of things you can do. First off you need to determine what type of group you want to be. Ask your squad mates if they want to be a casual group or if in fact they/you want to form up as a semi Mil-Sim style. Casual group players usually want to get online, chum around with friendly, like minded people and digitally massacre a small population of AI or other groups of like minded individuals. Mil-Sim guys are typically looking for some structure. They want a plan maybe even some sort of ranking schedule. Knowing what kind of gaming group you want to be will most likely be the largest indicator for you. If you want to be the "Boss" you have to act like the Boss. Generate missions with limited controlled assets (vehicles), limit the number of high caliber rifles available in your missions.... Be the "Director" this is your team delegate based on performance who will do what. You have to understand that in gaming groups people come and go. People will stay and play because they like the friend atmosphere or they will stay and play based on the level of action they see. You have to grow the group you want to play in, after all that's why you started your own group right? In terms on empowering your squad mates you should give them roles that are important to your mission. Have individuals take turns on being a squad leader or make it a rule that to be a sniper you have to "try-out" and the top marksman gets the job for what ever current mission you are about to play. Make it competitive within your team. Speak to missions/map makers and ask the community for help with tailor made missions for the way you want to play. The beautiful thing about our ARMA community is that we are huge! There are so many creative people out there constantly producing new addons or maps or game styles. Literally what you do in game is only limited by your imagination. My opinion on the matter is that you play the way you want to. The people that stay and play most like are there for a while, build on this and you will have more people than what you know what to do with! Do you have a team website, Team Speak or Game Server? Go and advertise in the forums here! Feel free to shoot me a private msg if you want any other advice! Ra [uSMC]
  4. Ra-USMC

    Cannot join any servers

    This is the Exact same issue I posted for yesterday as well. I cannot join a single server.
  5. I have a shortcut on my desktop that launches the game and opens steam simultaneously. I have done this since day one of Alpha with no issue. I have never had any issues with firewall configurations. This literally happened right after I downloaded the new version for Beta. I can launch the game just fine, I can go into the editor fine and I can even "view" the available servers. It's just when I click to connect on any given server it goes into the typical launch splash screen and never goes anywhere from there. I have not changed one thing configuration wise on my system.
  6. My apologies if I missed this some where. After the new Beta update I can launch ARMA III however when I go to connect to ANY multiplayer map I get stuck in the splash screen. Within about 2-4 minutes of this I will get a message saying I have been kicked out of the server. I do not have any addon installed that would not allow me to connect. Any help with this would be appreciated.
  7. Ra-USMC

    Sitting, and shooting?

    I was trying to figure out how to adjust the stance, thank you!