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Everything posted by Tyler1985

  1. Trying to find 2 event handler 1 from this link only problem is i need it to check it via a radio trigger instead,wiki quite hard to figure out and another 1 to detect a spawned opfor units been killed and sets off a trigger thank you for your time im also a newb
  2. Tyler1985

    =BTC= Revive

    i downloaded it the otherday when you had it up working fine tvm
  3. kylania also dont mean to hijack how would you set a waypoint using that method ?
  4. im trying to figure out how people are spawning units via scripted triggers here a simple spawn how could i achieve this please be gentle with me ; ) if (!isServer) exitWith {}; count3f = [(getMarkerPos "counter3f"),EAST, (configfile >> "CfgGroups" >> "East" >> "OPF_F" >> "Infantry" >> "OIA_InfSquad")] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup;
  5. Tyler1985

    Base-fobs-towns WIP

    thanks Blitzer used both versions in my missions newest version lot less strain on server and smaller size is better for my missions i would recommend as you said to use only a few areas or will strain some computers thanks for sharing these makes stratis feel a little diffrent Also i delete the areas after the mission is complete to save some fps
  6. Has anyone managed to fix the script errors(changed the classnames already) for norrins taxi or can point me in the right direction to repair it myself thanks for these scripts norrin