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About Vioxtar

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  1. Vioxtar

    The sound thread

    I just want wind soundscape.
  2. While I completely agree with you, seeing as how just deciding on your route in real life is a critical strategic process of executing any kind of plan, given that most terrain is very hard to overcome, and getting a vehicle positioned at a designated position should be much harder than it is right now, this can be tricky to do in Arma.. The main properties of rough terrain is actual bumps, rocks, small rocks, light sand, wet/slippery land, and other small obstacles planted in the terrain. This is hard to put into the map, because that requires a massive addition of more polygons, more data, and more things to be rendered in-game on the map. Leaving aside (for argument's sakes) the whole development effort time and process as a whole, this is very hard to achieve - ARMA 3 is very demanding as it is right now, and adding all these features will just multiply the load on computers by a couple of good numbers and this will slap the performance down by a whole lot. Other than having these things 'scripted' into off-road areas, which is a bad alternative (seeing as players won't know how to overcome these obsticles - because that can always be done with the right driver and vehicle, just needs some skill and thought), I don't see a good solution for this really.
  3. I actually was lol it's just overcast was brought up to maximum so there was no sun hence no shadows.
  4. Vioxtar

    GFX Settings -> strange FPS

    I know what you're talking about. I figured turning the game to Windowed mode and then setting it back to fullscreen resolves the 30 FPS issue. It's odd.
  5. Just imagine if this: http://filesmelt.com/dl/cumoff.jpg (431 kB) Could look something like this: http://filesmelt.com/dl/cumon.jpg (417 kB)
  6. I think the ambient occlusion setting (or SSAO) that ARMAIII Beta offers right now is very weak. The overall visual effect is minimal to absent, and it slaps the performance down immensely, (for me from 60 FPS to around 45-50 FPS) and this needs work. Other games manage to do it at very minimal performance cost and it looks far better than it does on ARMAIII. ARMAIII Beta's textures, models, and overall content and look can sometimes be a bit bland and 'pale', and ambient occlusion is one of these things that can solve that very easily by blending all the individual visual elements into one juicy looking picture. I'd love to see it improved in the next patch.
  7. I think the game is lacking elements which could contribute to the overall feeling and atmosphere of the game, and better immerse the player in the setting and/or environment the game provides. Such elements which I'd like to see implemented are (and I realize some of these things are being worked on or hope they are): Wind gusts and soundscape - the game does take place on hills and mountains, all on an island surrounded by an ocean, and you'd probably hear lots of wind buzzing by your ears the higher up you are on the terrain Trees and bushes and grass being affected by wind improved to be more dynamic - right now the trees are really still. ARMA involves lots of walking (usually through forests and whatnot) and things can get very repetitive. If things like trees and bushes are completely still 24/7 it just blows the player out of immersion and practically reminds you 'this is just a game' Bolder, improved waves Intense storms Rain A more interesting climate/atmosphere - it's always sunny and bright and virtually pale. Needs more juice. And the most important thing - more variety in the map. Right now everything looks the same wherever you go (aside from specific areas such as the airbase, agia marina, and mike 26 airstation). Towns are always similiar, hills and mountains always share the same casual structure. I think the game needs more juice - have places be more unique and interesting, have it so every place looks different from another on the map, and every place is memorable. Extreme cliffs, an industrial area perhaps, really big forests, caves (?), Tall towers, etc.