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About Brandstifter

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  1. Brandstifter

    Camera are black!

    hi there, i got a major problem. after i load my campaign today, all my rovers and landers have a black camera screen although it is daytime! even if i use freelook and C for 3rd person cam, the screen is black. when i land a new rover or lander everything works fine. sometimes i got i picture in the camere selection but black in main widow. yesterday everything works fine my drivers are still uptodate
  2. Brandstifter

    Kamysh not firing @ Domination by Xeno

    yes they are still there. some empty vehicles and the kamysh but i tested it and the kamysh still not shooting.
  3. Brandstifter

    Kamysh not firing @ Domination by Xeno

    what do u mean with opfor center? what kind of unit and what properties? i´ve see on the original map that in the right down corner are the kamysh as empty with 0% presence at mission start. is this what u mean?
  4. hi there, on our modifide domination from xeno (it´s v2.99J) the BTR kamysh at main target won´t firing! u can step in front of him and he tracked you with his guns but not firing! i´ve checked all SQF where the classname of the kamysh is inside and try to overwrite with original SQF´s but no effect. when u put him in a empty editor, he will firing as well as he should be! i´ve checked also: -he has crew inside! -he drives around! -when crew get out and u get inside gunner; he has ammo! -search for classname O_APC_Tracked_02_cannon_F in original domination and put that in place where it should be anyone an idea? greetz Brandstifter
  5. Brandstifter

    Virtual Ammobox System (VAS)

    hi, got the same problem like mpcom! can´t get any kind of binocular from VAS.
  6. Brandstifter

    Virtual Ammobox System (VAS)

    hi there, is it possible to add more save slots? i would have liked more than 10 slots greets Brandstifter EDIT ive found it in VAS in config.sqf that was easy
  7. Brandstifter

    =ATM= Airdrop [A3] - Beta

    hi there, i´ve tested this script and it works good but in MP on a dedicatet server when someone halo jumps and do not open the parachut and die the server will crash!!!! weird is; in editor i can steer the parachut perfekt but in MP on a dedicatet server every time i open it, it drags me full hard to left. i dont know what this problem is but it isnt so hard like the server crash. hopefully it can be fixed. greets from germany vJK74_Brandstifter aka Chris