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Posts posted by 25thID_Recruitment

  1. 25th Infantry Division is recruiting


    http://i73.photobucket.com/albums/i228/nolimit4344/Punisher_Recruitment_zps6b0870e4.jpg (122 kB)

    What we offer:
    • Military Realism Unit which is well structured & Organized
    • Multiple Dedicated ARMA 3 Servers
    • Dedicated Team Speak Server
    • Professional Active Website
    • Virtual Uniforms
    • Basic & Advanced Training
    • Customized Scripted Unit Deployment & Missions

    What we require from members:

    • Honesty
    • Maturity
    • TeamSpeak Participation
    • Availability for unit events which take place during evenings

    25thID is a Milsim Realism Unit although we are not an "Extreme" Milsim unit, we are well structured & Organized and very very active. Customized Scripted Unit Deployment & Missions. 50 percent of our unit are active, inactive and retired personnel. The other 50 percent are well trained civs. We seek Honesty, Maturity, Integrity, accountability and reliability from our members and recruits. If you say you are going to be there, be there, otherwise let us know if you can't. We want guys that are laid back but appreciate the structured fun that Milsim brings while on missions and training.


    Go to www.25thid.us and submit a recruitment form or contact Salvoslain on steam

  2. Squad name:- 25th Infantry Division

    Timezone/location: -5 GMT +1 GMT / USA & NATO

    Gamemode preference: PVP & Coop

    Contact email: join25th@gmail.com

    Website address: http://www.25thid.us.

    Short description: 25thID is a Milsim Realism Unit although we are not an Extreme Milsim unit, we are well structured & Organized offering our members including but not limited to the following: Multiple Dedicated Unit & Team Speak Servers, Professional & Website, Virtual Uniforms, Basic & Advanced Training, Customized Scripted Unit Deployment & Missions, Honesty, Maturity.

    Language: English
