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Everything posted by marksinnerdemon

  1. marksinnerdemon

    How can I drop a single pair of flares and not 12 of them?

    I am not a military pilot but I dont think many people setup there systems to single launch flares. They all seem to be automatic, so being able to do something this small and trivial as you point out is a sit and wait game. I would like to not walk of stairs to my death, and that seems to be more a logical priority vs the flares. I do see the argument and understand.
  2. marksinnerdemon

    How can I drop a single pair of flares and not 12 of them?

    Remember with all the bugs and fixes on something like this, and generally how dramatic the AA is in general and the lack of other countermeasures CIRCM stuff, more flares should equal better. Generally speaking the flare systems dispense more then just one set of flares to help increase chances of sucess. I know pilots can limit dispenseing more, but all but the oldest manpads and ground systems wont be fooled easily by one set of flares. Some of these flares are built to have gasses come out in the same spectrum as engine exhaust (wavelength range between 3 and 5 µm) which I didn't know before reading this post and doing some research. Regardless I think the 6 volley launch should be fair for now, and honestly if you are getting shot a that much you don't have control of the air, and ground needs to come in and fix that issue. (If possible I understand the issue) If that can't be fixed mod your maps to have less missles with the MANPADS might help for now. However I personally find the use of one flare shot of a 120+ rounds not realistic for defeating modern missles, and even some of the aged weapons as well.
  3. marksinnerdemon

    Toadie's SmallArms WIP thread

    If you want some good photos of a black AK-47U I own one in semi auto. You will have to tweak it add full auto and 1-2 rivit/pins but I can take photos of it in detail if need be. Even has a Russian Can on it. Also have a Rifle Dynamics AK which has seen some use by contractors. That one is in a olive drab.
  4. Rarely will you see a field transfusion due to many reasons. I am not saying it isn't possible but the reality is we don't see many groups running a medical unit in the rear, it's sticks to combat medics in the field. Would it be nice to have both and possibly have the blood go bad after 30-45 minutes sure. I am not against new stuff. I also am not against his setup but epi pens are kinda the worst choice back in arma 2 and we could rename it another drug for a bit more authenticity. Don't get me wrong everyone loves the new medical system compared to plain jane arma. It would be awesome if you guys could collaborate and bring your stuff over (hint hint), but anyone whos a shooter will cringe and certain things like hearing the word "clip" etc, and my medic buddies are doing the same. Just thought it would help him not disrespect the work. ---------- Post added at 22:41 ---------- Previous post was at 22:39 ---------- I love you are voting could you give us a comparison to say a magazine. That might help for some better voting!
  5. marksinnerdemon

    Helipad Light Script

    I would love to do this for airdrops as well.
  6. marksinnerdemon

    Helicopter fastrope script

    I would like to see this mod not allow much speed at all. No one is fast ropeing in past a few km without significant injury.
  7. marksinnerdemon

    @A3MP - ArmA 3 Map Pack

    Anyone getting blank items in the mission editor? Also things like some of the vehicles on the stands seem to be invisible or having issues, if its part of the pack.
  8. My first deployment was in a very crappy, (worse then Army because they actually thought they might use them) tent that was probably left to rot for decades before being put up. I remember putting up black sheets on 550 and working night shift. During the day you could watch beams of sunlight clearly through the double walls due to how old and how porous the material was. Then came the magical and amazing B-Hut and they still exist today. Generally now most bases are going for concrete and metal buildings, but many bases still have chapels, offices, and temporary housing in these places. Although I did transit through those god awful circus tents with a bunch of man love Thursday going on in certain areas. Where I lived and what I lived in is very important to who I was and where I was. Most of the people on here probably don't know about hooches or now called B-Huts but any soldier in Afghanistan can tell you about Chigo AC units, conex box show, and bathroom stalls, and probably can tell you exactly where they placed everything in there little B-Hut room. The question is should I just 3-D model these maybe make them as non-enterable locations for your bases if anyone is even interested? If I get better I might build the inside etc, but yeah I wanted to get a feel / interest in these buildings. If any...
  9. I just talked to my medic buddy (who is currently sweeping crap out of vehicles today. From his experiences vs the game. realistic 2-3 / 4-5 Xmed bandages for a wounded person 1-3 bags IV / 1-3 blood bags (honestly I wish they would switch the bags out to be IV bags, no one can carry whole blood unless you have refrigeration.) No defibulator / Defibulator The rest of drugs I rationalize as all the various stuff like airway equipment, etc. Stuff that would be to hard to understand for the average gamer but is being simulated by time consuming drug push. As for your points about stabilizing someone... Yes I agree, however not every gun shot wound is life or death, or sometimes even critical. My parents were Fire Fighters, and EMT qualified. History from WWII, Mogadishu, and on into our current conflict shows that not every wound will drop someone, and sometimes things that you think would be terrible aren't. I strongly recommend reading Black Hawk down which goes into detail of people fighting while having a gun shot wound to the neck, etc. Others died, or were combat in effective. The current system allows you to get back in the fight which many times might be the case, and then they get to go to the hospital, you just don't know. Honestly X39 I would change the blood bag to IV bag, and change the medicine to a different name, I'll have my buddy get on and recommend some replacement ideas for you if you would like. Overall the reduction in size vs how you have to treat someone is good for balance in my opinion, its the wound system that is a bit out of whack.
  10. If you have any questions about the C-17, C-130J and H model, or the C-5 let me know I have been in and out of them for years. Might not know everything but I probably have some friends that do.
  11. I have been the first to poo poo things on here like Transport for more important things. However this is a port over, and besides the C-17 fuel tank looking off, I totally approve of these mods. I love transport aircraft being former AF and a transporter myself. I hope you get it up and going, and wish I could help you out.
  12. marksinnerdemon

    B-Hut worth building?

    I doubt it initially, but I might just build the structures, and release them to a scripter/building wizard to finish off. I am going to try and get the feel of everything in real world if I can.
  13. marksinnerdemon

    My simple Vehicle Radio [WIP]

    I know a bunch of guys (especially the C-17 crew) would connect MP3 players etc via a simple cable to play the audio, so you might want to change your big thing into a smaller MP3 that can be hosted off center of screen. Like the little bird has a Ipod in it(not my personal fav but whatever).
  14. A tow truck would b more useful and if Bohemia had setup there maps a little more smartly that wouldn't be a issue. Honestly though you can fit a bunch of c-130s and c-17s in a little space by doing that, but the reality is we aren't moving XXXXXX tons of cargo a day or 1000+ PAX in and out of a location. Having worked flightlines all my life, a good strip will have a circuit parking where they pull in pull out, and not require backing up. Many operational C-130s I saw couldn't back up from time to time due to minor engine issues and not wanting to break in a certain area of the world. As for maintenance theres always a tug of some kind around at any semi improved base. Good idea but I wouldn't worry about it for now.
  15. marksinnerdemon

    ArmA 2 C-130J and MV-22 Redux

    Honestly while everyone wants to walk and look, I will gladly skip it for functional useful aircraft now, fancy pants crap later. Also cargo space in the Osprey is limited big time. It is far more a troop and material carrier, and really can't fit anything bigger then quadbikes and motorcycles. The Humvee which will fit in a Chinook wont in the Osprey. As for guns that can be added later. Yeah they have guns on some, but it isn't something on everyone of them. Also stability in flight has gotten TONS better or the pilots are better last time I saw them landing and taking off.
  16. I have some videos of the island. Yes it isn't very reliefed like Altis, but there are substantial dune scapes, and terrain variation enough to block large vehicles and tanks. I have some photos and stuff, but yes buildings would be more key.
  17. You know due to it being a conflict Iran getting it's neighbor such as Kuwait (not a huge area) with it's not so famus Failaka Island. Which I thought about making due it's size and my visits there (got some friends who can take photos etc). The problem I have is I haven't found a really good non disjointed, up to date teaching system that really helped me start building. Also there is Turkey which is neighbors of Greece, constantly in dispute with each other over Island ownership, and a logical conduit for Iran for logistical transportation. Any of the islands off the Coast of Turkey would suit the story line, assist in people making a wider more detailed campaign, and further allow the Arma 3 fan to expand the story from the campaign.
  18. marksinnerdemon

    Automated After Action Report Generator

    Can we get this to function on stratis as well.
  19. We had some script kiddy apparently hop on tonight, and hijack a mulitplayer mission tonight. Not a big deal because we just stuck a password on it, but we had PUG players just having fun on the server, and not it got locked. Anyways here are the questions. 1. Anyone else getting issues with this? 2. Is this easier on certian maps (I forget one we were running it was a 36 player mission that spawns in random towns)? Just asking out of interest.
  20. marksinnerdemon

    Issue with hackers on unlocked servers?

    Sorry for the delay. BattleEye I believe, this was more of a question of sorts because I don't work with the server to much someone else does. We just happened to have that little even and I figured I would ask if this was coming up very often or not. Thanks for the replies.
  21. I will thank you as well. I use to mess with sketchup, but haven't in a while so I am thinking about learning a bit.
  22. My buddies got it work, by binding the insert and delete key. However I can't seem to get it to work. Can someone give me a simple idiot guide on why the screen wont pop up for me? I tried to unbind everything insert and delete are attached to. Figured it out!
  23. Ok so I stumbled across Arma II free from what looks like Bohemia and the free version isn't the super cool Arma II and all its amazing stuff. However I bought Arma II to first play Dayz, so I have a few questions. 1. Does Arma II free come with Chernus? 2. If yes can you use All In Arma and port Chern over so you can use the user created maps? 3. Would this be ok with Bohemia, and legal? I am asking this for the Arma III only owners so we all can play on the user created maps.
  24. marksinnerdemon

    GDSN Shoulder Tap

    Just what I have been looking for gonna have to test this one out!
  25. marksinnerdemon

    Status Hud

    Since you have it saying NW already could you create it with a digital readout of the compass heading?