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Everything posted by marksinnerdemon

  1. Hey, I have been trying and playing around with respawn. If I have a multiplayer game and I set down a few playable characters. I would like to respawn with preset custom gear, but the player to respawn near where they died, not back at a spawn point. If that makes sense. I have tried various ways but it seems every respawn reverts the player to the original loadout and not the custom one built in Eden. I hope this makes sense, and I am sure it is really easy, but treat me like I don't know a thing if you don't mind.
  2. thanks I'll try it when I get home is there any issue with player vs playable? I thought that might be the issue. Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
  3. Thanks for the info and yes I am stupid... [player, missionNamespace Do I leave that as is or do I make that for each plaer and change missionnamespace to XXXX.mapname? Thanks for the response and I just don't get scripting at all so that's probably why it isn't making sense for me.
  4. Hey, so I am going head this up by saying I am not sure if this is supposed to go here since it is a ZEUS question, but it involves mods. Also, have RHS on. So when I am in the game and turn on ZEUS part of the PLA works, part doesn't work though and the helicopters are completely off the list. Others exist but won't place on the ground. Would anyone know what I am doing wrong or how to fix this? If you have a fix give the I am an idiot version because I still don't understand scripting.
  5. Hey, I love the mod but I have two issues. First is your helicopters don't show in Zeus, and the troops won't set off any trip mines for some reason.
  6. So what is the one thing you just don't see in Arma 3's stylish hat resources? Fedoras, ball caps, tactical head-wear, Helmets of all shapes and colors, but anyone who is military even us Air Force guys will remember one hat, that inspires fear, awe, and respect, and will rule all new recruits. Yes you guessed it the magically terrifying, awe inspiring, idiot creating, crap creating Campaign Hat. A little history will help the civilians and snatched from Wikipedia. Anyways J. Bryan a civilian, former cop, and current firefighter figured out the missing object. Frankly put it is something that we don't NEED to make the game better, but like I said its iconic, it really will bring a bit of shock and awe to training, and command respect even if the wearer isn't to deserving. He also researched and found out the blue ring (which apparently stands for combat MOS) and built that in. That was something I didn't know being from Air Force world. Anyways I conned him in to putting it on Armaholic because he worked pretty hard on making it perfect, and taught me a bunch in the process. I figured I would let you guys know it is out, and some of you expert modifiers might even be able to make the iconic Marine version for your Paris Island needs (I hate that base but loved buy guns and ammo off it). I know hes my friend, and yeah I know we are in the same clan, but he did a good job with this, and I think he should get the credit for a good job like a lot of you guys get for good work. Anyways hope you guys enjoy it, and enjoy using it. Armaholic link for download (almost forgot) http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=23806
  7. marksinnerdemon

    Boeing C-17 ArmA 3 Mod

    I know this is a port over but I figured I would put out some of the errors internally, since you already know about clipping through the aircraft. 1. The 54 seats I can't test, but seem to be there. The walls mapping isn't correct, I would have killed for that many tie down devices some days. You can kinda tell this in the photos below. Basically the interior image needs some work. Like the center line seat storage way up on the upper portion of the ramp door that isn't there. Nothing huge just a heads up. 2. Not really a issue, but if possible..... Could you make the ramp go down half way. That is how the aircraft would be if it was in flight releasing cargo, and while this game doesn't have K-loaders(thank god) its the normal position it would be in most of the time. This isn't a requirement, but it would allow taxing with the ramp open (which happens a good bit overseas if it is hot). http://blog.airshowreview.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/09/Riverside10-PS_C-17A_Flight_1478.jpg (415 kB) Edit (Just to add some info on) The one that says Globemaster III is a Charleston Aircraft, as you guys were probably aware from the tail, but it also was one I have seen for many years, and got to see in this position for several days as well. Hell of a rooster tail when it landed.
  8. marksinnerdemon

    C-130J Port Release

    Lala14 - A Humvee can fit in the C130 with a few inches to spare on each side. Although not fun to drive on backwards it is possible.
  9. marksinnerdemon

    N'Ziwasogo A3 terrain (Released)

    Hey great map, and I know you will be debugging things for a bit. When you get a chance and if you can a how to on map making for arma 3 would be nice to see if you are good at teaching, and making another map. I will work with the map for a while and see how it goes. Also is this place based on any general location?
  10. marksinnerdemon

    The A-164 WIPEOUT Fixed Wing Aircraft

    There is no way in a aircraft to change rounds as of yet. Actually that is the last thing most Air Forces are concerned about due to the advanced nature of missile and bomb tech. If the Commanders want to duel purpose they generally mix ammo, however a lot of that ammo size is multi role like the 50 call with the API rounds etc.
  11. marksinnerdemon

    U.S.A.V (Unmaned Sniper Arial Vehicle)

    Hey alex I didn't want to write about this, BUT I will. I wasn't impressed with the texturing/modeling, however for a frist run I will give you a thumbs up. I also probably wont be running this to much as I don't see the future of these in the battlefield quite yet, maybe in 2035. With all that said I think for a first run you did very well, and everyone who was talking about your mod had positive reviews even though we don't really have a need for it. Don't let anyone whos going to knock the idea put you down, I appreciate you working on this little flying mence keep it up.
  12. marksinnerdemon

    UTS-15 Shotgun

    Outstanding model. I really wish you hadn't chosen this shotgun to make, but thank god it is arma, and you don't have to worry about it being reliable. If you want to see the shotgun in action I'll have a link, and please don't drop the project because of the guns poor functionality, because your model looks good.
  13. marksinnerdemon

    MRAP Maxxpro-Light armoed Vehicle

    The Maxx Pro is basically not as important anymore as the MATV I hate to say this, but there is a reason why the Maxx Pro got the frag kit, and also has high restrictions on where it can and can't go. Being a person who has driven both, on crap terrain I promise you anyone in the military with a choice will go MATV. I do like the Maxx being in game and glad you guys are putting it on the game.
  14. marksinnerdemon

    C-130J Port Release

    Sugar - You do know that all static line parachutes for a long time have all been steerable? Did they fix the jump point, and god I can't wait until they fix the skin. Great job none the less.
  15. marksinnerdemon

    C-130J Port Release

    Not quite accurate. 1x 30 mm ATK GAU-23/A autocannon[51] 'Gunslinger' weapons system with launch tube for AGM-176 Griffin missiles and/or GBU-44/B Viper Strike munitions (10 round magazines)[2] Wing mounted, AGM-114 Hellfire missiles, GBU-39 Small Diameter Bombs (SDBs) and/or GBU-53/B SDB IIs[2] (4 per hardpoint on BRU-61/A rack) I would replace the spooky with that any day.
  16. marksinnerdemon

    C-130J Port Release

    Hey love the mod even with it's obvious flaws. A scroll wheel jump, or putting the eject directly rear of the aircraft (if that is possible) would be fine honestly. Hope you can get your old scripting for this bird fixed. As for the people nit picking about seats vs cargo they try not to switch out the seats and cargo much. It takes some time, and is a pain, but in reality before the bird ever hits the deck or takes off we know what the configuration is. Two different birds make sense, or you could take out the center poles that are only needed for the first set of center-line seats and should be able to still get a vehicle in.
  17. Afghanistan = IL-76 hell. That thing carried about as much cargo as the USAF did
  18. Someone elsie stated a similar issue, but he didn't state if this was on sever or on personal PC for him. I have played campaigns and not had a issue with the frame rate drop, but on a server it drops to nothing. Anyone have any ideas?
  19. I don't know anything about scripting at all. Here is what I would like done. 1. Walk in area to trigger audio file everyone in a large area can hear, and it plays once then stops. or 2. Trigger a audio file via the support options and have that audio file play to the end and stop For instance a person walks into a small building or such and sets off a Explosion then audio file plays such as sirens from a few objects spread around base. Go to next location new music. Second option bomb goes off and a player triggers the siren. I honestly would prefer know both, but either will work, but please understand I know crap about Scripting and stuff, and have watched about 7 videos that had no audio, and very poor explanations for a newbie. Think Jester814 Hand holding explanation.
  20. marksinnerdemon

    Clarion WIP thread

    A desert rose! Considering I have been see males for (counts on fingers) several months she at least rates a 7-8 until we go home of course. (Good job by the way)
  21. My knowledge of Arma under the hood is about that of most people and micro biology.... if they were awake in class. I will have my buddy who knows more look at it.
  22. Well isn't I&A got some mods in there that could be causing that issue as well? Are the people who made I&A floating around that I could PM and maybe do some script comparisons?
  23. marksinnerdemon

    MRAP Maxxpro-Light armoed Vehicle

    No worries we all make mistakes, and I figured you might be from Australia and not played with the internationals. Honestly I have heard crap about every thing, and most of it is myths. The Maxx Pro in my opinion which is limited is no worse or better then the RG series minus its high CG. I would rather drive the M-ATV as well.
  24. I am going to try to load test some things on the sever with the guys when we get a chance. Apparently we aren't the ones recently experince this which is good, but it could be a mod or something else. If anyone understand arma under the hood better I can get you any info, logs etc if you want to look at the info.
  25. marksinnerdemon

    MRAP Maxxpro-Light armoed Vehicle

    Did you drive the Maxx Pro at all and were you trained in roll over with them? You are very right about the maxx pro high center of gravity, they are not the funnest thing to drive on uneven terrain and I am pretty sure I nearly had a soggy fart a few times going over ditches others didn't have problems with, but...... 1. The high ride height means greater survivabilty from a IED, plain and simple, the farther from the blast the better the armor can take it. 2. The vehicle has a back door.... http://www.armyrecognition.com/images/stories/north_america/united_states/wheeled_armoured/international_maxxpro/pictures1/MaxxPro_international_Navistar_MRAP_Mine_Resistant_Ambush_Protected_armoured_vehicle_US-Army_United_States_011.jpg 3. If you role one and somehow they blow the internal tank (not easy but I could see it) you can still open the doors. I can't tell you how many of those dumb doors I had to bypass to get in and out of. Rolled on its side? Not as easy but that's why it and the RG series (later models) have a similar system for door assistance. 4. As for the weight both vehicles weigh almost the same, have the same weight restrictions, and both had the the tire system so they could work uneven terrain, loose earth etc. While yes the M-ATV has a better capability of moving on uneven terrain I don't see the big difference until you hit the Maxx Pro Plus with the bolt on side armor kit. That brings the weight up, but it has the Abrams armor system in it making it really freaking hard to take out in comparison to a M-ATV. Especially from a explosive formed perpetrator. At that point yes the doors are would be very difficult to open if you rolled with the Pro Plus, but even then the rear door should open, the gunner hatch is open. Add to that 8 occupents vs the M-ATVs 5 with standard gunner (-1 on the M-atv for the crows kit to 4 and if you stuck a crows on the Maxx that would be 7) Might make sense to run Maxx Pros over the M-ATV.