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About aryx

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  1. I got trouble with the SetObjectTexture var in the Missionfile. If I add side="WEST"; vehicle="B_RangeMaster_F"; skill=1; init="this allowDamage false; this enableSimulation false; this setObjectTexture [ 0, ""tex\pic1.paa"" ]; into the Mission and connect the Server, the Texture won't load. If I reconnect (to the lobby) the Texture will load and I can see them on the NPC. As soon as I disconnect the Server (complete) and reconnect then the texture is back to default. Does anyone know why, and maybe know how to fix this? thanks.
  2. Tried that, didn't work.
  3. This works: _KillList lnbAddRow [format["%1",_playerName],["%1/%2",_playerKills,_playerDeath],["%1",_playerPosition]]; but the only Output I get is the _playerName. I want that all 4 vars will be listed, not just 1.
  4. Hi, I wrote a script that uses lbAdd at the momentan, but since it doesn't do it's job as I want it to, i would like to use "lnbAddRow" part of my Script: _KillList lbAdd format["%1 %2/%3 (%4 position)",_playerName, _playerKills, _playerDeath,_playerPosition]; _KillList lbSetData [(lbSize _KillList)-1,str(_playerName)]; The script works so far, but soon as I get output it looks like: Lenorado 3/4 0.394845 Frank 1/3 0.384753 But I would rather want it to look like in a line.. So I tried to use lnbAddRow. _KillList lnbAddRow [format["%1",_playerName],["%1/%2",_playerKills,_playerDeath],["%1",_playerPosition]]; _KillList lbSetData [(lbSize _KillList)-1,str(_playerName)]; But It doesn't seem to Work at all. Does anyone have a Idea?
  5. I have a question towards the "preprocessFileLineNumbers" parameter. In the Tutorial at http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/preprocessFileLineNumbers it says that ' _string = preprocessFileLineNumbers "/loadme/myFunction.sqf" ' is there also a parameter or a way to make preprocessfilelinenumber to function as ' _string = preprocessFileLineNumbers "myFunction" ' or ' _string = preprocessFileLineNumbers "loadme/" ' ? thanks in regards.
  6. aryx

    BV Police Car

    working dl link?
  7. Is it possible to add to the next Arma2 OA beta patch the Hiddenselection function for backpacks and weapons, such as it is in Arma3? it makes it way easyer to retexture a object, rather to geskin and remodel the same object.