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Everything posted by Ed!

  1. KK, it should actualy just be the id that is given in the onPlayerConnected. My mistake
  2. I had this idea, but never needed to implement it. On the server you have an array of all the files you need to run the mission, then you use https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/loadFile and put them into a public variable I just wrote this now out of thumb, it might not work, but I want to display the idea. files = ["mission.sqf", "files.sqf"]; And then you use the following in your onPlayerConnected _publicFiles = []; { _publicFiles = _publicFiles + [[_x, loadFile _x]]; } foreach files; _publicFiles call compile format["publicFiles%1 = _this;", the_player_uid]; owner (playerWhoJoined) publicVariableClient format["publicFiles%1", the_player_uid]; call compile format["publicFiles%1 = null, the_player_uid]; and then on client side call compile format["MissionFiles = publicFiles%1;", getPlayerUID player]; { call compile _x select 1; }foreach MissionFiles;
  3. Hi, As the title says - I want to know for example, if I get shot and killed, does the server know it before me or do I know it before the server? So is the damage/death of the player handled by the player or server?
  4. Im trying to get all the hitpoints for a truck, but it returns 0. When I look in the config browser, it is there. count(configfile >> "CfgVehicles" >> "B_Truck_01_box_F" >> "HitPoints") it returns 0 for the truck, but it is correct for every other vehicle. Is it a bug maybe? I noticed the Parents in the config browser of the truck are ["HitPoints", "HitPoints"] while for other vehicles it is only ["HitPoints"]. Edit: BIS_fnc_returnChildren seems to fix the issue. Thank you guys.
  5. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/isTouchingGround
  6. From what I've seen in the past, some developers used setVelocity instead to simulate the uncontrollable movements
  7. If you really don't want people to get a hold on your scripts, you can just store all your scripts on the server and read them as text to send to the clients in public variables to compile. You will only then need to have the init.sqf, hpp files, audio and images in your client pbo.
  8. Make a temporary AI unit with the rocket launcher of choice. Then look at this https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/fireAtTarget
  9. Now to make it possible to spawn a vehicle with a custom weapon loadout.
  10. Hey. I've worked on this a while ago. I haven't completed it 100% but it will certainly speed up your work. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?159200-Vehicle-Management-Module
  11. This is my workaround. It's been sitting on my HD for months. So have fun. You might just be interested in using the SiniDB_saveDB and SiniDB_loadDB functions. Example use: For instance you have an array with all the saved data of a player: [["variableName", "Data"],["variableName", "Data"]] _theData = [["name", "John"],["weapons", ["AK47","Desert_Eagle"]],["position", [123,456,789]]] to save it: ["File", "Key", _theData] call SiniDB_saveDB; to load it: _loadedData = ["File", "Key"] call SiniDB_loadDB; compiledData = call compile _loadedData; //looks like this now [["variableName", "value"],[..]...] for "_i" from 0 to (count(_compiledData) -1) do { compile format["%1 = compiledData select %2 select 1", compiledData select _i select 0, _i]; } //Now it did this : variableName = value
  12. Ed!

    Start Jet at a height

    this setPos [(getPos this) select 0 , (getPos this) select 1, 2000];
  13. Don't stop there. Now you can build a Dialog with a list box and populate it with all the sounds. Then when you select it, it will play the sample?
  14. May you have many wives and children because of this! Are you planning on going open source or keeping this as your own baby? I really would like to see how you achieved this in C#.
  15. Vehicle Management System (WIP). This is a little dialog I made that I think somebody might find useful in his/her mission. I did this as a practice to study the Dialog Controls within ARMA. I will do the updates etc. on armaholic. PS: Some vehicles might not work properly because of http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=11158
  16. Or even better. A dialog that asks you to press the button you would like to use for jump.
  17. number 6 is ok. nil means the script is executed at every player.
  18. onKeyPress = { if(!alive player) exitWith {_handled}; case 46: { if(vehicle player == player) then {[] spawn fn_Jump;}; }; _handled; };
  19. I can help you with jumping :P keyPress_jump = 57; //spacebar disableSerialization; private["_display"]; _display = nil; waituntil { _display = findDisplay 46; if (isNil "_display") exitWith {false}; if (isNull _display) exitWith {false}; true; }; keyPress = { keyPress_lastPressed = _this select 1; _return = false; if(_this select 1 == keyPress_jump) then { if(isTouchingGround player) then { player setVelocity [velocity player select 0, velocity player select 1, 5]; }; _return = true; }; _return; }; _display displayAddEventHandler ["KeyDown", "_this call keyPress"];
  20. Background color colorBackground[] = {0.40234375, 0.54296875, 0.60546875, 1}; with white text. That's the beta theme :P
  21. Have you any experience with programming (like c++)? The classes for building dialogs are very similar.
  22. Ed!

    Timed Server Messages

    http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/server.cfg Look at motd[]
  23. To add. Look at the comments at the bottom of the page at http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/private