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Posts posted by Polygon

  1. Why stop at blood and gore in combat though? If we want 'authentic war sim' then there must also be beheadings, rapes, genocides, atrocities against civilians (including childern, women and elderly) and it must all be uncensored and graphic and allow the player to do it too. All for the sake of 'authenticy', even if it would mean that the game would have been banned in several countries and gather unwanted attention of censorship bodies and the public. :p

    This is a clear misconception you're making when people go over the board with a certain term. Let's keep it real, shall we? :)

  2. I'd love to see a grenade tear a group of soldiers apart. Watching Saving Private Ryan combat scenes, for instance, when a splash of blood rises and gore appears

    on the screen, is much more convincing and forces you to take what's going on a lot more seriously.

    Then you know there's consequences. Like becoming a red wet spot in Half life when making a mistake.

    My vote: gore, blood and dismemberment must be in.

    I know there'll be many people coming up with shit-worth excuses for everything, but whatever, let's ignore them.

    In order to be worth its name ("authentic"), Arma must have extended gore simulation.

  3. I think more blood and perhaps screaming/crying upon death or injury would add so much more immersion to the game. As it is now, I just can't fully attach myself to the world in anyway, especially in a single player scenario, there is no emotion to any of it. Now of course this isn't the kind of game to bring out emotions and such by crafting characters to care about, but I'd at least like to feel a little bit for my teammates as they die instead of just being upset that I don't have another gun in the fight. I think Red Orchestra 2 has it down perfectly.

    Totally this! +1000.

    RO2 death sounds are top-notch and bring authenticity.

  4. Well the AI are not as bad as Incergency, where RPG's are the most commonly used weapons, even more so than rifles... But I'd have to say the most annoying thing in Arma 3... Is timing + human error. I remember being in the right place at the right time about a thousand times, and me screwing up a situation because of something like a misplaced reload, or heal, or get in vehicle, or something silly like that. Or worse, having everything you need to do everything, and suddenly dying to something like trying to get away from a vehicle before it completely explodes. Or driving 12 clicks, hitting a mis placed fence because it happened to be the best hidden, and still having 3 clicks to go on foot with too much gear and the mission is almost crucial for survival, but someone gets it before you and you still have 1.5 clicks to go on foot, and you open map but the nearest town is 2 clicks, so you just disconnect. Lol,

    Or wait. The ultimate. Most annoying thing for me in the Arma series to date... Is when you have an enemy in your sights, and you have that shot to kill, and you take it, but your game freezes for a split second. Now your dead instead, because that 1-3 seconds of what ever the fuck froze your game when you wanted that first bullet out of your barrel as into the enemies chest, now screwed you over. When it comes back, your either dead, close to being dead, or compromised because that have given away your position. It's the absolute worst when it's CQB. You see a guy, you aim, but he sees you and your both about to fire. You fire first, it freezes, and when it comes back your on the resplendent screen. That right there, kills. Deep most frustration (unless in hyper or drunk) awakens. But hey, Arma is still a good game, something good cones along every so often.

    You sure constant freezing on zoom-in for aiming is not your technical problem? Try installing A3 on a SSD. Makes for some smooth LOD loading.

    ---------- Post added at 07:16 ---------- Previous post was at 07:11 ----------

    Definitely the weak/superhuman AI.

    It makes coop a very painful and unrealistic experience. For a game that prides itself on being a sandbox with a strong coop base, the miserable AI situation is disheartening to say the least. I don't see a major improvement anytime soon, since that coop focus has totally shifted in the community towards PvP. Though I think a lot of that comes from the shoddy AI and lack of a suitable coop option therefore. The AI was sufficient in 2006, but it just looks heavily dated and cheaty by 2014 standards.

    They STILL can't balance AI accuracy out of the box to be reasonable. I play coop often enough, and the second difficulty settings go past novice the AI become 99% accurate headshotters. That's the most frustrating.

    But the fact the AI still look and feel like cheap automatons is the worst of it, since at least accuracy can be tweaked by mission makers (though it seems few can be bothered to set the params reasonably).

    If I compare the look/feel of Arma AI to those in other FPS/etc games, it's just depressing. "Clunky" doesn't begin to explain it. At some point making the AI at least LOOK human in behavior is more important for immersion than making them ACT human (though having human-level shooting abilities shouldn't be this hard). By that I mean they don't need to be tactical masters (mostly that should be the mission maker's priority or ZGM's), just the way they move should not be like a 1950s robot.

    These bots need a major reboot/overhaul, and the current stabs at it just aren't satisfying that.

    Still, even with all the shortcomings, Arma AI is one of the most advanced in games industry in terms of using cover, adapting the environment, flanking, their vision being obstructed by environmental objects, etc.

    The closest is STALKER series. However, bushes and other vegetation there don't affect AI that much. STALKER AI cannot operate as a team, flank properly, they're too aggressive and, in some cases (Mods like Misery 2.1), complete aim-bots.

    I know F.E.A.R. has a cool in-door AI, but that's it. Could you name more impressive games that have done their r&D on AI properly?

  5. What's wrong with this guy? According to his comments, he thinks he's providing constructive feedback on the MOD for things to improve/fix/introduce that no developer

    has ever noticed, like... missing interiors (which are a true PITA and time-waster with no gameplay purpose).

    Some people tend to reach the top of the mountain of ignorance.

    I mean, how come a huge gamedev team of Far Cry 4, for instance, was unable to make 20+ vehicles with factually and visually accurate interiors? How?

    There's like... 2-3 vehicles in FC4. And it's their daily job, they all should be punished for laziness. Brats!
