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About paddydasniper

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  1. paddydasniper

    MSOG are recruiting

    Update MSOG now have dedicated rotor wing called MSOAR! We are also still recruiting for the infantry section. MSOG are looking for other units who are interested in a possible joint operation. Message us on the Bi forums or head over to our forums at our website. _____ Update We have increased our server slots to 64, so we can now accept a larger number of applications! We are still recruiting for infantry, and rotor-wing(which may begin to use fixed wing aircraft in the future)
  2. paddydasniper

    MSOG are recruiting

    Update! MSOG have now switched to Jest servers, our server will now see a vast improvement in performance. MSOG now have a new TS; msog.jestservers.com:7056 Please do not attempt to join our old TS as you will be unable to.
  3. paddydasniper

    MSOG are recruiting

    MSOG (Multinational Special Operations Group) is looking for people to join our unit. We want dedicated people looking to join a unit who likes to play tactically with some realism. We focus on asymmetric warfare. We operate in smaller groups. You do not need any experience to join MSOG. We will build you up and make you Special Operations capable in ArmA. We use Air Support but in a limited capacity. We seek to be challenged and rely on team work to complete our missions. We have some simple rules, the thing we look for most is mature players but also players who want to enjoy the game and not be yelled at. Rules: You must legally own ArmA 3 You must be willing to download mods for ArmA 3 You must be respectful to ALL members You must be willing to dedicate some time to the group You must attend events regularly (We understand that life is a priority, we are willing to be somewhat flexible.) If you're interested in joining the unit, then come to our website or come and talk to us on teamspeak. TS: valleyforgeint.ts.nfoservers.com Website: www.msog-arma.com
  4. I have tried to find the units server but I have been unable to. Has it been updated or something?