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  1. key_function.sqf (also makes movement a bit faster): private["_event","_keyCode","_return"]; _event = _this; _keyCode = _event select 1; _return = true; #define FACTOR 50 switch (_keyCode) do { case 1://ESC { call PXS_closeCamera; }; case 2://1 normal view { [2] call PXS_adjustCamera; }; case 3://2 thermograph { [3] call PXS_adjustCamera; }; case 4://3 white is hot { [4] call PXS_adjustCamera; }; case 5://4 black is hot { [5] call PXS_adjustCamera; }; case 50://M redefine default satellite position { call PXS_redefineDefaultPos; }; default { _return = false; }; }; // key combo handling if (!(_return)) then { private["_pressedButtonArray"]; _pressedButtonArray = [_keyCode]; _return = true; // check for key actions switch (true) do { //case 17://W case (({_x in _pressedButtonArray} count (actionKeys "MoveForward")) > 0): { PXS_SatelliteNorthMovementDelta = 8; PXS_SatelliteTarget setPos [((getPos PXS_SatelliteTarget) select 0),((getPos PXS_SatelliteTarget) select 1) + PXS_SatelliteNorthMovementDelta,(getPos PXS_SatelliteTarget) select 2]; call PXS_updateCamera; }; //case 31://S case (({_x in _pressedButtonArray} count (actionKeys "MoveBack")) > 0): { PXS_SatelliteSouthMovementDelta = 8; PXS_SatelliteTarget setPos [((getPos PXS_SatelliteTarget) select 0),((getPos PXS_SatelliteTarget) select 1) - PXS_SatelliteSouthMovementDelta,(getPos PXS_SatelliteTarget) select 2]; call PXS_updateCamera; }; //case 30://A case (({_x in _pressedButtonArray} count (actionKeys "TurnLeft")) > 0): { PXS_SatelliteWestMovementDelta = 8; PXS_SatelliteTarget setPos [((getPos PXS_SatelliteTarget) select 0) - PXS_SatelliteWestMovementDelta,((getPos PXS_SatelliteTarget) select 1),(getPos PXS_SatelliteTarget) select 2]; call PXS_updateCamera; }; //case 32://D case (({_x in _pressedButtonArray} count (actionKeys "TurnRight")) > 0): { PXS_SatelliteEastMovementDelta = 8; PXS_SatelliteTarget setPos [((getPos PXS_SatelliteTarget) select 0) + PXS_SatelliteEastMovementDelta,((getPos PXS_SatelliteTarget) select 1),(getPos PXS_SatelliteTarget) select 2]; call PXS_updateCamera; }; //case 78://Num + case ((({_x in _pressedButtonArray} count (actionKeys "ZoomIn")) > 0) || (({_x in _pressedButtonArray} count (actionKeys "MoveDown")) > 0)): { if ((PXS_SatelliteFOV) >= 0.011) then { PXS_SatelliteFOV = PXS_SatelliteFOV * (0.8); //PXS_SatelliteFOV = PXS_SatelliteFOV - (0.0005 * FACTOR); //PXS_SatelliteZoom = PXS_SatelliteZoom + (0.02 * FACTOR); call PXS_updateCamera; }; }; //case 74://Num - case ((({_x in _pressedButtonArray} count (actionKeys "ZoomOut")) > 0) || (({_x in _pressedButtonArray} count (actionKeys "MoveUp")) > 0)): { if ((PXS_SatelliteFOV) < 8) then { PXS_SatelliteFOV = PXS_SatelliteFOV * (1.0/0.8); //PXS_SatelliteFOV = PXS_SatelliteFOV + (0.0005 * FACTOR); //PXS_SatelliteZoom = PXS_SatelliteZoom - (0.02 * FACTOR); call PXS_updateCamera; }; }; default { _return = false; }; }; }; _return; updateCamera.sqf: PXS_SatelliteCamera camPrepareTarget [ ((getPos PXS_SatelliteTarget) select 0) - 0, ((getPos PXS_SatelliteTarget) select 1) + 1, (getPos PXS_SatelliteTarget) select 2 ]; PXS_SatelliteCamera camSetPos [ (getPos PXS_SatelliteTarget) select 0, (getPos PXS_SatelliteTarget) select 1, ((getPos PXS_SatelliteTarget) select 2) + PXS_SatelliteInitialHeight ]; PXS_SatelliteCamera camPrepareFov PXS_SatelliteFOV; PXS_SatelliteCamera camCommitPrepared 0; switcher.sqf (fix script errors) //the function to switch on/off of SATCOM system //[unitName, activeStatus] call PXS_switcher //unitName - the unit for SATCOM action //activeStatus - true or false //v1.0 A3 private ["_unit","_status"]; _unit = [_this, 0, player] call BIS_fnc_param; _status = [_this, 1, true] call BIS_fnc_param; if (_status) then { _unit removeAction PXS_action; PXS_action = _unit addAction ["Switch on satellite view","pxs_satcom_a3\start_satellite.sqf"]; //hint "SATCOM system is connected."; } else { if (!isNil "PXS_action") then { _unit removeAction PXS_action; }; if (!isNil "PXS_SatelliteActive") then { if (PXS_SatelliteActive) then { call PXS_closeCamera; }; }; //hint localize "SATCOM system is disconnected."; };
  2. Very nice! Can you add an option to disable the gridreference/texture independently atm I can just disable both...
  3. Coding


    Your are right. -still not fixed inverted y coordinates (like on Chernarus)
  4. Coding


    Version 0.3 released please inform me about bugs and needed features DOWNLOAD Changelog: 0.3 - fixed inverted y coordinates (like on Chernarus)(Maps using letters in coordinates will not be supported in near future) - fixed offset x/y coordinates (like on Chernarus) - fixed hints were displayed for every player - fixed mortar had multiple times an action attached when reassembled - removed burst modes from artillerycomputer - added support to use observervalues - fixed (hopefully) errormessage concerning serialization - changed gui - added userconfig, module forces settings, userconfig runs clientside and can be different for every client - added small guide to add custom addons yourself - tested a different ui with additional 8 targets (within x meters) but it was much too full Known Issues: - problems with ui sizes - problems when shooting from slope (bug in Arma, not mine) - mission will be dependent on the mod if the missionmaker has the mod activated while creating a mission
  5. Coding


    Ok, for all addons that are wished: I need classnames of the vehicles that should be supported. Also I need the CfgPatches name of the specific addon. (can be found in editor >> configviewer >> CfgPatches >> search for something looking right) I dont want to download all those mods. RDS Static weapons will definitly NOT supported. In the evening I will do a complete test of the current snapshot and hopefully realease it in the night or tomorrow. BTW: I will add a small guide, what you need to edit to support a specific addonvehicle as long it is configured similar to default artilleryvehicles in arma.
  6. the version does not work... use this one: //============================ 'onPlayerRespawn.sqf' and 'initPlayerLocal.sqf' player setVariable ['QS_seated',FALSE]; //============================ 'sitdown.sqf' /* Script Made By MacRae Modded by [KH]Jman Tweaked by Quiksilver for the addAction shit and MP compatibility */ private ["_chair","_unit"]; _chair = _this select 0; _unit = _this select 1; _chair setVectorUp [0,0,1]; [[_unit,"Crew"],"switchMove",TRUE,FALSE] spawn BIS_fnc_MP; player setVariable ['QS_seated',true]; _unit setPos (getPos _chair); _unit setDir ((getDir _chair) - 180); [[_unit,"Crew"],"switchMove",TRUE,FALSE] spawn BIS_fnc_MP; // again! standup = _unit addaction [ "Stand Up", "scripts\standup.sqf", [], 10, true, true, "", "(player getVariable 'QS_seated')" ]; _unit setPos [getPos _unit select 0, getPos _unit select 1,((getPos _unit select 2) +1)]; //============================ 'standup.sqf' /* Script Made By MacRae Modded by [KH]Jman Tweaked by Quiksilver for MP compatibility */ player setVariable ['QS_seated',false]; [[player,""],"switchMove",TRUE,FALSE] spawn BIS_fnc_MP; player removeAction standup; //============================ On the chair in editor init field this addAction ["Sit Down","sitdown.sqf",[],10,true,true,'',"(!(player getVariable 'QS_seated')) && (abs(speed player) < 1)"];
  7. Coding


    I am working on it actually. I think there will be a release on ~monday It should run stable in SP
  8. Coding


    Thanks, will be fixed in next version (hopefully)
  9. Coding


    Assuming you shoot from a slope != 0° if you change the shooting direction will also change the shootdistance and vice versa I will think about and maybe redo the gui... Sounds like a quick & dirty fix... I will add it if it is possible with addAction, enableSimulation and setVectorUp. Everytime feel free to ask! I will add an optional pbo for custom weapons like rhs M119 27.2. is my last exam and then I will continue to produce code ;)
  10. Coding


    In my opinion a mortar is controlled by 2 men and therefore I decided by default the gunner should not be able to use it. For people with other opinions I created a module to adjust such settings. I will never ever make it default to have access to artillerycomputer as gunner. As mentioned I am working on a userconfig...
  11. Coding


    Sure. By default an Asst. Gunner (Mk6) B_support_AMort_F can use the arty computer. Btw you can place a module in the mission (non real time).
  12. Coding


    Nope sorry. Which weapon/mod you want? Maybe I'll add it. Why the hell you cant place modules in the editor? But I am working on a userconfig. Yes, I will care for other screenresolutions and settings but I can not guarantee it will be good. @all atm I have exams in university. as soon as they are finished I will make a new version.
  13. Coding


    Can you provide a video? What is a "flickering"? Maybe a script is executed globally (unwanted)?
  14. Coding


    Ok, you convinced me. Will be implemented. ---------- Post added at 18:36 ---------- Previous post was at 18:31 ---------- Thanks for the bugreport. I know what the problem is but atm no idea how to fix it. Seems to be the y coordinate is inverted... This will cause more problems as thought.