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Everything posted by Livedeath

  1. Livedeath

    VTS & VAS Combo

    Yeah i could but i can choose only one object as VAS-Item and must have a sight of line to spawn it. So i want to include it into the Script List in the computer view. But if i use custom_functions the script list will be flushed empty at next start and i can't select even the standard commands. Any Ideas? --- I tried a second variant a script that needs to be executed. But however it won't work. I reused the wrecks spawning script. Any Ideas?
  2. Hey. I'm trying to implement the VAS System to VTS 4.0. After i'm getting it to work i'll post the Combo as Scriptpackage and Do-it-yourself-Manual. Any Suggestions? Actual Problem: I implemented the in /mods/custom_functions.sqf as But it won't work. Any Hints for me?
  3. About recycling wrecked vehicles i have an idea. A Helo Taxi with CH-49 helicopter and equipped lift script could fly to the designated vehicle (friend and foe) (call him via comm menu) and lift the vechicle back to base or map boundaries and give the user cp for recycled vehicles. I think that would look pretty well.
  4. @Ethrendil, try this. It should set the Marker for all players, the action menu on the hq officer and make every player not invincible. _hqblu = _this select 0; blu_hq_created = true; PosOfBLUHQ = _hqblu; publicVariable "PosOfBLUHQ"; If (isNIL "HQ_pos_found_generated") then { // create the building _hq = "Land_Cargo_HQ_V1_F" createVehicle _hqblu; }; // create marker on HQ _markername = format["%1%2",round (_hqblu select 0),round (_hqblu select 1)]; // Define marker name blu_hq_markername = _markername; //hint _markername; _markerstr = createMarker [str(_markername), _hqblu]; _markerstr setMarkerShape "ICON"; str(_markername) setMarkerType "mil_flag"; str(_markername) setMarkerColor "ColorBlue"; str(_markername) setMarkerText "Main base"; // make HQ zone notification trigger _trg5=createTrigger["EmptyDetector",_hqblu]; _trg5 triggerAttachVehicle [player1]; _trg5 setTriggerArea[100,100,0,false]; _trg5 setTriggerActivation["VEHICLE","PRESENT",true]; _trg5 setTriggerStatements["this", format["[""%1"",thislist] execvm 'enterlocation.sqf'",'Main Base'], ""]; // warning trigger when an enemy approaches the camp _trgWarning=createTrigger["EmptyDetector",_hqblu]; _trgWarning setTriggerArea[300,300,0,false]; _trgWarning setTriggerActivation["EAST","PRESENT",true]; _trgWarning setTriggerStatements["this","PAPABEAR sidechat 'This is HQ, there are enemies near our main base!'", ""]; If (isNIL "HQ_pos_found_generated") then { // CREATE THE OFFICER _group = createGroup west; _hq = _group createUnit ["b_officer_f",(getmarkerpos str(blu_hq_markername)), [], 0, "FORM"]; hq_blu1 = _hq; publicVariable "hq_blu1"; _hq setpos [_hqblu select 0, _hqblu select 1, 0.59]; _hq disableAI "AUTOTARGET"; _hq setdir 0; }; _handle = [hq_blu1] execVM "initHQ\HQaddactions.sqf"; If (isNIL "HQ_pos_found_generated") then { removeallweapons _hq; _hq switchMove "acts_StandingSpeakingUnarmed"; _handle = [_hq] execVM "sounds\radiochatter.sqf"; //GUARDS _handle = [getpos hq_blu1] execVM "initHQ\guards.sqf"; //STATIC DEFENSES _handle = [getpos hq_blu1] execVM "initHQ\fortify.sqf"; // IF THE OFFICER IS DEAD -- BEGIN OF "SPAWN" [_hq] spawn { _hq = _this select 0; waitUntil {sleep 1;!alive _hq}; _hq switchMove "AidlPercMstpSnonWnonDnon01"; ["TaskFailed",["","Your commanding officer has been killed"]] call bis_fnc_showNotification; sleep 6; ["officerkilled",false,true] call BIS_fnc_endMission; }; // IF THE OFFICER IS DEAD -- End OF "SPAWN" } // TELEPORT PLAYER player setpos _hqblu; //////// HQ GENERATED ///// "respawn_west" setMarkerPos _hqblu; endLoadingScreen; sleep 0.1; If (isNIL "HQ_pos_found_generated") then { // BROADCAST, TELL THE HQ POS IS FOUND HQ_pos_found_generated = true; publicVariable "HQ_pos_found_generated"; if (!zones_manually_placed) then { // SHOW THE STARTUP MENU if (!zones_created) then { sleep 0.1; _nill = [] execVM "dialog\startup\startup.sqf"; waitUntil {chosen_settings}; // WAIT UNTIL THE PLAYER HAS CHOSEN THE SETTINGS }; _weather_script = [] execVM "dialog\startup\weather.sqf"; // CALL ZONES GENERATION waitUntil {!isNil {getsize_script}}; // WAIT UNTIL THE MAPSIZE SCRIPT IS DONE if (!zones_created) then { // CHECK IF ZONES ARE PLACED, IF NOT EXECUTE locatorZonesV1.sqf _zones_create = [50, 0.2] execVM "initZones\locatorZonesV1.sqf"; // CHECK IF ZONES HAVE ALREADY BEEN PLACED }; }; if (debugmode) exitWith {}; }; player allowDamage true; _sitrep = [player1,"sitrep"] call BIS_fnc_addCommMenuItem; [/Code]
  5. @Ethrendil: Try this. I added two lines to the Code in initHQ/BluHQinit.sqf. _hqblu = _this select 0; blu_hq_created = true; PosOfBLUHQ = _hqblu; publicVariable "PosOfBLUHQ"; If (!HQ_pos_found_generated) then { // create the building _hq = "Land_Cargo_HQ_V1_F" createVehicle _hqblu; // create marker on HQ _markername = format["%1%2",round (_hqblu select 0),round (_hqblu select 1)]; // Define marker name blu_hq_markername = _markername; //hint _markername; _markerstr = createMarker [str(_markername), _hqblu]; _markerstr setMarkerShape "ICON"; str(_markername) setMarkerType "mil_flag"; str(_markername) setMarkerColor "ColorBlue"; str(_markername) setMarkerText "Main base"; // make HQ zone notification trigger _trg5=createTrigger["EmptyDetector",_hqblu]; _trg5 triggerAttachVehicle [player1]; _trg5 setTriggerArea[100,100,0,false]; _trg5 setTriggerActivation["VEHICLE","PRESENT",true]; _trg5 setTriggerStatements["this", format["[""%1"",thislist] execvm 'enterlocation.sqf'",'Main Base'], ""]; // warning trigger when an enemy approaches the camp _trgWarning=createTrigger["EmptyDetector",_hqblu]; _trgWarning setTriggerArea[300,300,0,false]; _trgWarning setTriggerActivation["EAST","PRESENT",true]; _trgWarning setTriggerStatements["this","PAPABEAR sidechat 'This is HQ, there are enemies near our main base!'", ""]; // CREATE THE OFFICER _group = createGroup west; _hq = _group createUnit ["b_officer_f",(getmarkerpos str(blu_hq_markername)), [], 0, "FORM"]; hq_blu1 = _hq; publicVariable "hq_blu1"; _hq setpos [_hqblu select 0, _hqblu select 1, 0.59]; _hq disableAI "AUTOTARGET"; _hq setdir 0; _handle = [hq_blu1] execVM "initHQ\HQaddactions.sqf"; removeallweapons _hq; _hq switchMove "acts_StandingSpeakingUnarmed"; _handle = [_hq] execVM "sounds\radiochatter.sqf"; //GUARDS _handle = [getpos hq_blu1] execVM "initHQ\guards.sqf"; //STATIC DEFENSES _handle = [getpos hq_blu1] execVM "initHQ\fortify.sqf"; // IF THE OFFICER IS DEAD -- BEGIN OF "SPAWN" [_hq] spawn { _hq = _this select 0; waitUntil {sleep 1;!alive _hq}; _hq switchMove "AidlPercMstpSnonWnonDnon01"; ["TaskFailed",["","Your commanding officer has been killed"]] call bis_fnc_showNotification; sleep 6; ["officerkilled",false,true] call BIS_fnc_endMission; }; // IF THE OFFICER IS DEAD -- End OF "SPAWN" // TELEPORT PLAYER player setpos _hqblu; //////// HQ GENERATED ///// "respawn_west" setMarkerPos _hqblu; endLoadingScreen; sleep 0.1; // BROADCAST, TELL THE HQ POS IS FOUND HQ_pos_found_generated = true; publicVariable "HQ_pos_found_generated"; if (!zones_manually_placed) then { // SHOW THE STARTUP MENU if (!zones_created) then { sleep 0.1; _nill = [] execVM "dialog\startup\startup.sqf"; waitUntil {chosen_settings}; // WAIT UNTIL THE PLAYER HAS CHOSEN THE SETTINGS }; player allowDamage true; _weather_script = [] execVM "dialog\startup\weather.sqf"; // CALL ZONES GENERATION waitUntil {!isNil {getsize_script}}; // WAIT UNTIL THE MAPSIZE SCRIPT IS DONE if (!zones_created) then { // CHECK IF ZONES ARE PLACED, IF NOT EXECUTE locatorZonesV1.sqf _zones_create = [50, 0.2] execVM "initZones\locatorZonesV1.sqf"; // CHECK IF ZONES HAVE ALREADY BEEN PLACED }; }; if (debugmode) exitWith {}; _sitrep = [player1,"sitrep"] call BIS_fnc_addCommMenuItem; }; [/Code]
  6. Hey. I modified the original mission to my desire and i hope you will like it. It works only in Dev Mode because several reasons. Actual Version (based on) DUWS 0.73e If you don't want flying high tanks, upvote the following Bug: http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=14135 Thanks to Kibot for his famous Dynamic Universal War System. All credits (except my Modification) goes to him. The orignal Mission can be found here: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?160117-SP-Dynamic-Universal-War-System-%28DUWS-alpha0-1%29 What i changed/modded Howto Start License You can remix, tweak, and build upon my work non-commercially, as long as you credit me and license your creations under these same identical terms. Download https://www.dropbox.com/s/edc33hmnj1kxyai/SPMP_DUWSv073e.altis.zip Dynamic Universal War System (DUWS) - Livedeath edit [bETA] Found bugs so far AI Manned Artillery fire on request but give false Feedback. If you repeat the last Fire request the AI will fire directly without targeting. So wait until the bugfix from BI is out if you don't want to wreck your HQ.
  7. @Hostile, try the Debug Mode. How to Start Debug Mode: Edit the INIT.sqf and change to .
  8. Ummm Sturmfalke. I don't know where you from but if you write your question in german i think i can understand it waaaaay better than yet. ^^ ;-) Or write it in french so kibot could understand it. ;-) Or rewrite your question. So far i don't know what your question is. ;-)
  9. I killed unneccessary spaces, deleted the comment line (hint: if a line begins with // then is everything behind that useless for the script. the magazines have never worked), closed a open bracket and changed the positioning system of the smokegrenade. otherwise you like to look up to see 50 meters above your head a smokegrenade... If you want sqf formatting grab Notepad++ and install the sqf extension. that's way better than sqf editor.
  10. Try this: _target = _this select 0; _location = getpos _target; if (commandpointsblu1<2) exitWith { ["info",["Not enough command points","Not enough Command Points (2CP required)"]] call bis_fnc_showNotification; }; commandpointsblu1 = commandpointsblu1 - 2; publicVariable "commandpointsblu1"; hint "A supply crate has been dropped near your location"; _parachute = "Steerable_Parachute_F" CreateVehicle _location; _parachute setPos [_location select 0, _location select 1, (_location select 2)+100]; _ammo = "B_supplyCrate_F" CreateVehicle [_location select 0,_location select 1,(_location select 2)+50]; _ammo attachTo [_parachute,[0,0,0]]; _ammo addMagazineCargo ["30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag", 70]; _ammo addMagazineCargo ["30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag_Tracer", 70]; _ammo addMagazineCargo ["100Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag", 70]; _ammo addMagazineCargo ["100Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag_tracer", 70]; _ammo addMagazineCargo ["1Rnd_HE_Grenade_shell", 90]; _ammo addMagazineCargo ["UGL_FlareRed_F", 70]; _ammo addMagazineCargo ["UGL_FlareGreen_F", 70]; _ammo addMagazineCargo ["1Rnd_Smoke_Grenade_shell", 70]; _ammo addMagazineCargo ["1Rnd_SmokeRed_Grenade_shell", 70]; _ammo addMagazineCargo ["1Rnd_SmokeBlue_Grenade_shell", 70]; _ammo addMagazineCargo ["NLAW_F", 70]; _ammo addMagazineCargo ["Chemlight_green", 70]; _ammo addBackpackCargo ["B_AssaultPack_khk",10]; if (support_armory_available) then {_ammo addaction ["<t color='#ff1111'>Armory</t>","VAS\open.sqf", "", 0, true, true, "", "_this == player"]}; if (support_personalizer_available) then {_ammo addaction ["<t color='#11ffff'>Personalizer</t>","InventorySystem\createInventoryDialog.sqf", "", 0, true, true, "", "_this == player"]}; waitUntil {sleep 1; getpos _ammo select 2<0.2}; _smoke = "SmokeShellGreen" CreateVehicle _location; ["info",["Supply delivered","The supply crate has been marked with green smokes"]] call bis_fnc_showNotification;[/Code]
  11. Livedeath

    [SP/MP]DUWS - Modded by Livedeath

    Hey Irfanahmed1979, can you try out kibot's DUWS in Version 0.73c and test that situation again? Or give my modded 0.73c version (download link can be found in first post) a try? To get more commandpoints press during the running mission the escape button on your keyboard and enter following in the debug window on the right side. press after this "Local execute".
  12. Livedeath

    [SP/MP]DUWS - Modded by Livedeath

    try to export/save the mission in editor as compressed mission. then start it via scenario menu in main menu.
  13. Livedeath

    [SP/MP]DUWS - Modded by Livedeath

    I added a line to the howto explaining where to extract the file. :)
  14. Livedeath

    [SP/MP]DUWS - Modded by Livedeath

    Hey. I tested it. It's a bug from Arma 3. Also i found a bug that tanks and heavy tracks (like artillery and MLRS) do Rackdolling and flying high in the air if they drive with more than 30 km/h against a stone or wall or if they collide against another heavy track (regardless of their speed). You need to wait until a Patch from BI is out.
  15. Livedeath

    [SP/MP]DUWS - Modded by Livedeath

    Thank you for your Hint. I removed it. But maybe i will use that Derp for the "Player got killed" Message? :D
  16. Hey Xawery, you need to switch from High Command Mode back to Squad Mode. Until else you can't access the support menu. Cheers L.
  17. Hey. i fixed some spelling mistakes and adjusted the price of the sniper squad back to 7. Otherweise a Player would buy a sniper and a spotter, tag them as yellow group and disband them to a highcommand squad. Only to safe 1 CP. Files: gui_editor_format.txt request.hpp request.sqf request_squad.sqf I also changed the listing in the Request menu but not the Script behind them. It's more a proposal. File: request (changed listing).sqf Download: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/8ko3jd7q28q0x7v/pWguZ51Tkl
  18. Hey guys and girls, i made a little enemy reinforcment script for Version 0.6 Singleplayer part. It adds every 10 Minutes a armored vehicle stuffed with driver and gunner in the farest zone of players HQ. It ends if the enemy has no more zones under it's control. Just replace the existing WARCOM_init.sqf File with the file provided in the Download Link. https://www.dropbox.com/s/0bnjfnjkskgoj5p/WARCOM_init.sqf
  19. I'm thinking about a Heavymetal mode. Instead of Hunting Infantry you encounter armored and aired vehicles. But would you like it?
  20. Hey. I'm not speaking for Kibot. But i talked to him yesterday late in the night and so far i know he's working on the Multiplayer Part of the Mission. So stay tuned because it will be awesome. :-) BTW: He need's more prefabs (Camps). If you want to make one but don't now how to create one, you can contact me and i show it to you. Or i can give you at least the Links to the needed stuff. :-) Oh and if you want vehicles increase your zone to at least 1000 meters minimum radius. If you want Helicopters too you need a minimum radius of 2000 meters. Or you load the Zip file from armaholic and extract the directory SP_DUWSv0.6.stratis in C:\User\YourUsername\Documents\Arma3\missions\ . Then you can rename stratis to altic, koplic or everyelse mapname you want to play on. Now you edit the createzone.sqf in C:\User\YourUsername\Documents\Arma3\missions\SP_DUWSv0.6.stratis\initZones or SP_DUWSv0.6.altis\initZones or SP_DUWSv0.6.koplic\initZones. Search in the File for if (_size < 101) exitWith Add a Line under the next found { with following _vehcreate = ["OPF_F","armored",_trigger,_size] execVM "random_veh.sqf"; waitUntil {scriptDone _vehcreate}; sleep 10; Then search for the next }; and add a line before with ["OPF_F","armored",_trigger,_size] execVM "random_veh.sqf"; sleep 10; ["OPF_F","air",_trigger,_size] execVM "random_veh.sqf"; Save the File. Then start arma3, go into editor and load the mission. Click on Preview and have fun. If you want i could send you my modded File. But beware the enemy is a little bit stronger than before. ;-)
  21. How about a Selectionbox about the pattern and size of created zones across the map? That would be pleasant. :) Example: Pattern 1 Pattern 2 Pattern 3 Pattern 4 (For Random) What do you think?
  22. About FOB Deployment: Why not let a Transport Truck let him drive the route from HQ to expected FOB Area then placing him the FOB and afterwards drive back the way to HQ? He could carry the patrol Troops too. Anyway: If the FOB Deployment stays in the way it's now i wish a countdown to tell me when the FOB will be placed. I could then drive fast away from the expected place or fly away if i'm in a heli. About FOB and HQ Force Power: It would be nice if i can "Spend" some of my troops or CP to increase the defending power of a specific FOB or HQ. With enough Force Power the Patrol Radius could be increased in 100 meters steps. How about a Status Bar indicating the actual Force? It could be shown in Maps View or by talkin with the HQ Officer. Spending Troops: How about Spending Troops or CP to AI and let him create a second/third/nth Squad and he manage them? I have then less reasons to worry about attacking and holding control areas and more time for doing other things. Enemy Helo Spawning: I can only set a maximum radius of 1 Km. But if the heli will only spawn in a radius of >2.5km then i won't ever see a enemy heli. Could you set the minimum spawning radius to 1 km? Enemy HQ: What is about an enemy HQ? Exist this? If not why not? I could bomb that HQ away so no more reinforcements coming for the enemy. But the HQ would be hard defended so it's not easy to bomb it away... Coop Mode: Too bad that i have read your invitation too late. But if you need one more, im your guy. I have planty of time. And if you're near Cologne the next time i give you a free beer. :-) CU Livedeath
  23. Cool. Thanks for adding this feature. But... How will it work with Helicoper Squads? Do it work? Or stays the Heli on the ground? What is about this "Load in, Load out, Get in, Get Out" path commands in HC Mode? How is this supposed to work? Work this only with manned vehicle (like Heli Taxi) or unmanned vehicle, too? CU Livedeath
  24. Hi. I found a bug... CU Livedeath Bug 1: Problem: FOB Spawns inside HQ. How to replicate: Stay in HQ in front of your Officer and Request a FOB. 5 Seconds later you are in a selfmade jail. Possible Solution: Make a Don't Spawn Radius of 50 metres around HQ for FOB. If the FOB is too close to HQ the Patrol units of FOB walks trough the HQ like Customers of Starbucks. Bug 2: Problem: Vehicle get self destructed while deploying as mech squad. How to Replicate: Get in your HQ and Request new Troops from your Officer. Request 2 Mechanized Squads. Look outside and you see 2 destroyed Tanks and dead People. Possible Solution: Change the Locations for each Spawn based upon a list. And if the Area is "full", deny the Spawn. That helps for all Vehicles, Squads and Single Troops. Possible Solution 2: Get the Spawn Area at least 10 Meters away from HQ so no unit can spawn "inside" the HQ. Bug 3: Problem: HQ Officer can be sniped trough open hatch. Possible Solution: Close the Hatch. Bug 4: Problem: No Infantry Unit want to get up to the Roof of HQ Building. Possible Solution: Show him the way. My Wish List: Implement UAV's and UAG's. That would be nasty. :cool:
  25. Hey Arma fans, i'm new to Arma 3 and i dislike the way to fly a Heli at this moment. I can't fly a circle while looking to the ground without precisely change the flightroute with my mouse. And i can't fly and shoot simultaneous while i'm piloting the heli. That's why i'm eager to programm a mod for this problem. But first let me introduce me: I'm a hobby flightsim pilot, programmed some tools for my paycheck-master (also known as employing company :D ) with different programming languages and i have a decent amount of unused time to spent for. Now the Problem: Arma 3 plays in >2034 so it's a time of drone wars and modern user interfaces. Flying a heli without a proper heads-up display is so 1980's that the player need a help to get more information simultaneous delivered. Or he get shot down. But he don't get information delivered about his current joystick axes. That need's a Fix. My planned Solution: I programm a half opaque big crosshair like this (http://westkarana.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/flight-2012-08-01-21-10-46-45.jpg). A overlay marks the current position of the joystick on the crosshair. Press the right mouse button (Second Mode) and you can look around with centered crosshair and marked joystick position. In the Second mode the Crosshair can be used to give the onboard guns a target (if possible). Oh and of course you can shoot. ;-) My Question: In which language can i write the mod? Where are the (G)UI functions described? Do i need special software to write a mod? Thanks for your Help. :-) Sincerly, Livedeath