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About Trick_Killa

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  1. Trick_Killa

    Trying to make a new mobile HQ script

    Thanks Kylania! I appreciate the help like none others.
  2. Trick_Killa

    Trying to make a new mobile HQ script

    Thanks for that. But at this time our problem is the Mobile_HQ spawning again and still working. This is our current teleport to MHQ script and it has been working like a charm. private ["_leader","_LX","_LY","_LZ"]; //setting up basic variables _leader = Mobile_HQ; _list = 0; _telepos = _this select 3; switch (true) do { case (_telepos == 1) : { if ((vehicle _leader) emptyPositions "cargo"==0) then {hint "No room in Mobile HQ or Mobile HQ has been destroyed. Please Wait for room or another Mobile HQ to respawn."} else { player moveincargo vehicle _leader; }; }; default {hint "Please Select the Mobile HQ you want to teleport to.";}; }; This works until the MHQ is destroyed. We originally had the standard vehicle.sqf I see everyone else running for the respawn on it but it did not seem to work. Does the name change on a respawn? Only thing I can think of that would break it like this. So I have been messing around with this: init.sqf Mobile_HQ execVM "vehicleInit.sqf"; VehicleInit.sqf _veh = _this; _vname = "Mobile_HQ"; _vehiclepos = getPos _veh; _vehicledir = getDir _veh; _classname = typeOf _veh; waitUntil {sleep 1; !Alive _veh}; sleep 5; deleteVehicle _this; sleep 30; _veh = _classname createVehicle _vehiclepos; _veh setPos _vehiclepos; _veh setDir _vehicledir; _veh SetVehicleVarName _vname; _veh Call Compile Format ["%1=_This ; PublicVariable ""%1""",_VName]; sleep 90; _veh execVM "vehicleInit.sqf"; But every time it respawns 2 of them and i dont understand why. Mobile_HQ is the name of the vehicle. Thanks for the help.
  3. Trick_Killa

    =BTC= Revive

    The error with failing to be able to teleport to the Mhq only happens a long time after the start of the mission and the MHQ gets destroyed. You bring the new one out and your not able to teleport to it. Map still shows when the MHQ is moving or deployed correctly.
  4. Trick_Killa

    =BTC= Revive

    Yea I have downgraded back to .91 and I do not get anymore errors on screen. However, After about Half-hour of play, if the mobile Hq gets destroyed, it will respawn, show the marker as being deployed but there is never any option to teleport to the HQ. It respawns like it should. Gives the notice that it is available. I no longer have the BTC logi scripting failing either.
  5. Trick_Killa

    =BTC= Revive

    @wildfire6 I am having this same issue on our mission. The script works correctly for a while and after 20-30 mins stops working. At the same time the BTC logistics stops as well.(currently running 91) I have tried 92 and even 93rc1 and both of those gave me these errors: 93rc1: if(_x getVariable "BTC_need_revive" select 0 == 1) then { _show = false; }; > Error position: <select 0 == 1) then { _show = false; }; > Error select: Type Number, expected Array,Config entry File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Stratis\misc\playerMarkers.sqf, line 34 Fresnel k must be >0, given n=2.51,k=0 92: '...en{if (_x getVariable "BTC_need_revive" |#|select 0 == 1 && (playerdistance _x) < ...' Error Generic error in expression File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Stratis\misc\medicMarkers.sqf, line 20 Top one came from my rpt and the 92 i copied from the screen. Both appeared as the annoying black boxed text on the screen that didn't go away if your a medic.