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Everything posted by hardscript

  1. Since 0.74 my headless clients are no longer able to connect to my battleye servers on my dedicated box. They can however connect to a battleye dedicated server hosted on my own pc. Has anyone else had this issue and found a way to fix it?
  2. Servers no longer responding on external sites. http://www.thelanbox.com.au/servers/ Servers are with different hosts and some are on my own dedicated. They slowly stopped responding over the last 48 hours, 1 by 1 they went dark. All servers are up and running with players on them.
  3. hardscript

    [COOP/PVP1-60] CTI Survival

    This mission is wicked good, i have had it on one of my servers for the better part of the week and the players absolutely love it, i have heard nothing but praise from them.
  4. I am relatively new to A3 mission scripting and would like to save out player information to a mysql db. Is this possible?, if so can someone point me in the right direction on where to start please.
  5. hardscript

    [COOP/PVP1-60] CTI Survival

    we are loving your mission mate, so many of my members are hooked on it. If you would like to add me on steam "hscript" i can talk to you easily about feedback from my users and such. Couple of bugs 1# kills with vehicles guns dont count to rank or get you paid. 2# It seems some kills just don't get counted full stop, i killed 26 with the lynx but only 7 were added to my level. 3# Sometimes groups of ai spawn and then instantly die, then spawn again 100m away and instantly die again.
  6. hardscript

    [COOP/PVP1-60] CTI Survival

    It seems like if you are still on the island and have not loaded yet when it does a server save it wipes your save and replaces it with the default.
  7. hardscript

    [COOP/PVP1-60] CTI Survival

    Awesome update. Couple of things. -Pistols do not save. -Can you move the team scores down a fraction so they are not behind that popup that keeps appearing. And would it be at all possible to add support for something like mysql so we can run hive servers, Having some sort of sql db would also allow us to offer donation bonus and website integration.
  8. hardscript

    [COOP/PVP1-60] CTI Survival

    Also people are having trouble with the blufor and independent saves getting mixed up, For example i played as blufor for two days then swapped independent i spawned back on the island wearing the same stuff as my blufor with the same gun just with no ammo and was stuck on the island it didnt teleport me off again.
  9. hardscript

    [COOP/PVP1-60] CTI Survival

    Can you please fix or change the spawn location as a good 15% of my player base has trouble getting off the island. Can you also please change the location of the shops so they are all in open areas, my players are losing far to many purchases due to glitches and walls.
  10. hardscript

    [COOP/PVP1-60] CTI Survival

    I would be willing to put money on them answering it, as annex did have the crash in older versions and they some how fixed it. ---------- Post added at 17:13 ---------- Previous post was at 17:11 ---------- Can't edit on phone. Sorry for double. Yes annex has enemy air.
  11. hardscript

    [COOP/PVP1-60] CTI Survival

    I know for a fact that invade and annex does not suffer from the phyx crash. Perhaps you should talk to the devs over at ahoy world and see of they can shed some light on how they fixed it.
  12. hardscript

    [COOP/PVP1-60] CTI Survival

    I tried this mission on my dedicated tonight and it was awesome except for a severe issue with client side crashing.
  13. hardscript


    Are you aware that since 0.12 the mission is VERY unstable and crashing every hour almost. ---------- Post added at 03:50 ---------- Previous post was at 03:33 ---------- The crash occurs when you die while halo jumping with your parachute open.
  14. hardscript

    Headless client + battleye

    SOLVED IT. To connect to a Battleye server you must accept the battleye licence, A headless client that has not had a player manually accept this will not work. Solution, Create a Profile for your HC, load a game and accept the Battleye licence. Then copy the profile to your server and it will work.
  15. I have to ask, why do you have $15000 worth of server hardware for games?, when you could spend 2000 and get the same performance and run just as many. Or are you a 1% and just let someone take you to the cleaners when you said you wanted a server
  16. hardscript

    Headless client + battleye

    After more investigation it seems to be directly related to the character profile it loads as using the -name= param causes the same issue on my pc as i get on the dedicated server. Perhaps the character profile is not being created correctly when using -client, and you actually need to make the profile in the real game which is not possible on a dedicated box. Is it possible to put a intact copy of the profile on my pc onto my dedicated box and have it use that.
  17. hardscript

    Headless client + battleye

    Thank you for that idea but unfortunately they are already different.
  18. hardscript

    Headless client + battleye

    When Battleye is enabled the client window does not say anything and the server window shows the client connecting but never approves its battleye or shows the connected message, it also disconnects after a time. If i place battleye =0; it connects and works as normal. Also when i attempt to run it with battleye =1; on my own pc it works. ---------- Post added at 16:57 ---------- Previous post was at 16:25 ---------- Ok here is some more detail with screenshots. These are the params i used for all tests. Server params -port=5302 -config=CONFIG_Vanilla.cfg -world=empty Client params -client -connect= -port=5302 nosound This screenshot is with battleye disabled on the server, on my rented dedicated box. http://puu.sh/3N4Sn.png This screenshot is with battleye enabled on the same server. http://puu.sh/3N4WL.png This screenshot is running the same on my own pc using the same params and the same steam account. http://puu.sh/3N4ZN.png All above were done on a fresh install of A3.
  19. hardscript

    Pre-load Missions

    That is really not going to work as i am running 6 servers on a dedicated box in a datacenter.
  20. hardscript

    Pre-load Missions

    Moderator finally added my post, yes i have the ;.
  21. hardscript

    Pre-load Missions

    // // server.cfg // // comments are written with "//" in front of them. // STEAM steamport =2500; steamqueryport =2501; // GLOBAL SETTINGS hostname = "www.TheLANBox.com.au #2 AU/NZ|Warfare"; // The name of the server that shall be displayed in the public server list //password = ""; // Password for joining, eg connecting to the server passwordAdmin = ""; // Password to become server admin. When you're in Arma MP and connected to the server, type '#login xyz' reportingIP = "arma3pc.master.gamespy.com"; // This is the default setting. Leave empty for private servers if you do not want your server listed publicly logFile = "A3Master.log"; verifySignatures = 2; // WELCOME MESSAGE ("message of the day") // It can be several lines, separated by comma // Empty messages "" will not be displayed at all but are only for increasing the interval motd[]={ "Welcome to The LANBox", "TS3 Server:", "www.theLANBox.com.au" }; motdInterval = 5; // Time interval (in seconds) between each message // JOINING RULES maxPlayers = 30; // Maximum amount of players. Civilians and watchers, beholder, bystanders and so on also count as player. // VOTING voteMissionPlayers = 1; // Tells the server how many people must connect so that it displays the mission selection screen. voteThreshold = 0.33; // 33% or more players need to vote for something, for example an admin or a new map, to become effective //voteMissionPlayers = 0; // INGAME SETTINGS disableVoN = 0; // If set to 1 vonCodecQuality = 8; // Quality from 1 to 10 persistent = 1; // If 1, missions still run on even after the last player disconnected. // MISSIONS CYCLE (see below) class Missions { class Mission1 { template="cti_30_teetimeswarfare_0637.Stratis"; difficulty="Regular"; }; };
  22. hardscript

    Pre-load Missions

    Neither of your solutions actually fix the issue of the server not loading the mission until someone joins after a restart.