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About merc591

  • Rank
    Lance Corporal
  1. merc591


    is this mod still even going on and if so will it carry modern arma 3 weps ??
  2. merc591

    A-143 Buzzard Far too Slow / Weak

    ok first you say you dont understand a slow and weak jet as if they didnt exist then you say arma 3 is based on realism not based on arma 3 the real world ?? then you say that realism isint present in a game that is based on realism ??
  3. merc591

    (STI) A-10 for ARMA 3

    wow you know hitler also had a do what i want or die policy:j:
  4. merc591

    (STI) A-10 for ARMA 3

    he recieved a warning why ??
  5. merc591

    [WIP] IkaR F-16

    oh man between this and john spartan and sauls f/18 im not sure i can keep my pants on and btw you should ask john if hees nnot too busy to make a personal ammobox for this aircraft or ask him if you can use the f/18s ammobox on this aircraft it would make this mod even more wonderful
  6. i followed all the steps in the read me and still get "jwc_casfs\addaction.sqf not found" know how to fix anyone ??
  7. merc591

    (STI) A-10 for ARMA 3

    yes indeed the northern most hangar on the stratis airfield is a preset hardened hangar
  8. just wanted to bring this to your attention in case you didnt already know about it http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198035538186/screenshots
  9. merc591

    (STI) A-10 for ARMA 3

    how dare you tease me with a full combat load :butbut:
  10. i believe the standard bomb that comes with the fa/18 doesnt lock on i think all the other gbus seem to work though ---------- Post added at 03:56 ---------- Previous post was at 03:50 ---------- also question for the developers the harpoon anti ship missile does it pack more explosive power than the standard equipped AGM or it the largeness of the missile just asthetics
  11. merc591

    A-143 Buzzard Far too Slow / Weak

    eh i dont want to argue with an admin id rather not get my account banned for speaking ill of one :j:
  12. merc591

    A-143 Buzzard Far too Slow / Weak

    i guess i can put periods in if it suits you --->.<--- :D
  13. i am CONFUSED AS FUCK :p ---------- Post added at 22:22 ---------- Previous post was at 22:17 ---------- [/color]f this ill just get you an in game screenshot brb :D ---------- Post added at 22:34 ---------- Previous post was at 22:22 ---------- [/color]here is the link to my steam screenshots and it shows you how it happens http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198035538186/screenshots/
  14. aah thanks i was confused becasue every time i would fire it would hit directly on targ i guess im just lucky