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About EliteSniper

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    Lance Corporal

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  1. I really doubt they will try and attempt it. First is the game engine problem, and secondly is that it's an old game. It would probably cost them a lot of money to even attempt it, and I doubt they want to do that for the small community still left playing it. I wish they did update the A.I though.......:)
  2. EliteSniper

    shooting a moving tank

    {How nations become the strongest.} 1. Strong economy. 2. Superior Training. 3. Superior technology. 4. Superior in all branches, {Navy, Airforce, Ground force(Marines and Army.)} 5. Nuclear Weapons. It doesn't matter about who has nuclear weapons, it doesn't make them the strongest nation in the world. North Korea has nuclear artillery and bombs, yet they are 9th on the top 10 strongest nations. How U.S.S.R and USA got to be the strongest was due to superior military, base on training, economy, technology, and great strengths in all branches. It's not because of nuclear bombs that there were the first on the list.....Learn Cold War my friend, and learn how to base nation strengths. Secondly, I was basing Mykes nation off the nation of which each of those were from. Thinking that he was from Belgium because it was on the list.(I stated that I didn't know if he was in the Belguim military or not) I also never insulted their military training. I said "I'll tell you that if you were in the Belgium army you might want to think about your training compared to the U.S and the U.S.S.R." God you people need to learn the difference between insults and just debating. FFS:rolleyes:
  3. EliteSniper

    shooting a moving tank

    Fact? You say I have yet to provide a single one, yet you haven't provided one either. Send me a link that states, "An RPG can not hit a moving target from 500m+", also provide a link that says UGB(Unguided missiles) can not hit a moving target from 500m+. Please also provide a link that ATGMs cannot hit a target from 500+. Please do so. Also send me a link of those percentages. Would love to see it. I can really tell you made those numbers up. The Average Russian Tank hunting team during the cold war would hit moving targets up to 575m with the RPG-7, quite easily. So I can tell your made up percentages are false. P.S you should probably get off the Call of Duty series because they are providing you false information. =) Now take your own advice and while your crawling to the corner to cry, suck your thumb like the baby and liar you are.
  4. EliteSniper

    which DLC do you thnk it better

    Army of Czech Republic is the best one. The jungle type map and the campaign are really fun. The Units in the editors are pretty badass, and the Czech soldiers look the most badass. Similar to the U.S Ranger look.
  5. EliteSniper

    shooting a moving tank

    Talking to you is like talking to a wall or a child who wants to argue. Obviously you've never been in the military and don't know a single thing about firing an ATGM, ATM, or RPG. They don't waste shoots on moving targets because they hit them. P.S, the Average Sniper is trained to aim at the center of mass and the neck region. Both are known as kill shots, and both must be expert-ed before a sniper can complete training. 2nd P.S, Most ATGMS, ATMs, RPG shots are fire from 500m+ away on moving targets and on sitting targets. Most of the time the target will not change speeds or directions. So you are trying to find an excuse to back up your non-fact statements. Good-day.
  6. EliteSniper

    shooting a moving tank

    A real man makes his own luck. Do you think in real life they rely on luck? No, it's all training and skill. The Average soldier using a Carl Gustav in real life would be able to hit a moving target 500m+ away. All skill, and no luck. Would you consider non-stop headshots from a M24 700m+ away dumb luck? I wouldn't, I would call it skill. War consists of 10% luck 90% skill. :o
  7. I can't seem to find this guy. It says to search the red areas and I did but most of them if not all are mine fields, some just have 2 man patrols. So I drove along all the roads and investigated all the "Suspicious areas" and not evidence has been found. I finally get a message saying he is fleeing the controlled area, and I go to the point he's at, but the town is filled with mines and there is no way to get into the town. So I fiqured I would make a road block thinking he was driving to the town in a car, and I had to stop him. I blocked all roads and 5 mins later it says he fleed the area, and to look for the other dude. How do I stop him before he leaves? Like where is this guy?
  8. EliteSniper

    shooting a moving tank

    Don't know about that. If you are good at Arma 2 you can make shots from 700m+ on a moving target with ATM(Anti-tank missile; unguided). I used a Carl Gustav at 500m+ on a moving T-34 which is the smallest tank in the game, and it was moving. Destroyed in 1 hit. Anything is possible if you have the skill to do it. If however you are new to the game or don't have much skill don't try to kill a moving target 100m+ away. You'll most likely miss and make yourself known to the enemy.
  9. EliteSniper

    Area color change

    I don't get what you mean, do I just type in "setmarkercolor blue" without syncing anything?
  10. I've played a couple single player missions in Arma 2, and whenever I take a sector it turns from red to blue on the map. How do I do that in the editor?
  11. EliteSniper

    Problem with Czech Republic DLC

    Thank you so much for your help!:D
  12. EliteSniper

    Helicopter transport help!

    I didn't quite get that. 1. Put helicopter on map 2. Put squad on map 3. Have a waypoint to "Get in!" helicopter 4. Have Waypoint for helicopter to "Move" to a location. (reason behind that is because the commander orders the helicopter to move so many km/h but the helicopter does nothing so I had to give the helicopter a waypoint to move. 5. Gave helicopter waypoint to "Transport Unload". Thing is, the helicopter starts it's engines and leaves even with the timeout at 60 seconds. ForzaJuve, I'll try out your missions tonight and get back to you tomorrow.
  13. I bought all the DLCs for Arma II during the Steam summer sale, and I installed Arma II O-A and CZech Rep should be there. I have the CD key when I go to play OA but it's not there, not even under expansions and it's not in any files. I know I bought the DLC it was like $2.99 that day, and I have the CD key! What do I do?(I already contacted steam and no reply.)
  14. Does anyone know how to have a helicopter wait for your team to get in, and then take off without it being in your squad? I tried like everything but all it does is start it's engine while my men are entering the chopper and then it takes off with most of them still on the ground. P.S I'm using waypoints.