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Everything posted by radi0n

  1. radi0n

    Cant play Karts

    I just buy Karts dlc. I see Karts icon next to Zeus icon but i cant see any Karts map or playing options.
  2. Every time when i exit Arma 3 my left mouse button dont work. I must press ctr+alt+delete and then press 'cancel' button. I run arma without any mods with this in 'launch options' in steam: -cpuCount=4 -exThreads=7 -high -maxMem=8192 -noPause -noSplash -world=empty -noLogs Anyone have this problem? I use Windows 7 64 bit. Processor i7 860, 16gb ram and GTX 770 4gb ram
  3. radi0n

    Arma 3 campaing

    I finish 'Survive' campaign in Arma 3 and i want to repeat 'Death Valley' mission coz i like it. Now i MUST finish entire campaign again? Why? This is so stupid! I cant play 'Adapt' before i finish again first episode.... shame BI
  4. radi0n

    Arma 3 campaing

    press the number minus ?
  5. When i use Arma 3+GlovePIE program (free voice command for arma) with Suchy Script my ALT key (free look) dont work propely. Any solution for that?
  6. radi0n

    Low FPS

    In editor on Altis i have 35 - 90 fps on ULTRA settings, AAx8 ect..no vsync on 1920 x 1200. BUT in multiplayer for example on co40_AW_Invade_&_Annex_2_51.Altis i gave 15 - 25 fps only. I dot know HOW good cpu you must have to run this kind of coop missions on 60fps? My Specs: i7 860 2800mhz Nvidia GTX 770 4GB 16 GB Ram Windows 7 64bit
  7. My specs: I7 860 2600Mhz 4 cores 8 threads (HT) Nvidia GTX 770 4GB ram 16 GB ram DDR3 1920x1200 my launch options in steam: -noLogs -nosplash -world=none -cpuCount=8 -high -maxMem=8192 -exThreads=7 In task manager during game only 4 cores are working (-cpuCount=8 dont work?) and my FPS is not so good.
  8. When i spot enemy from a far distance (scope, rangefinder...) Soldiers is under ground like in this picture: http://i.imgur.com/b9lo7J9.jpg (297 kB) Is VERY annoying .This is normal or this will be fixed? My gfx settings is Ultra on everything without vsync.
  9. radi0n

    Lagg on a HD 7970

    Check this thread: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?158447-Arma3beta-MultiPlayer-FPS-drop&p=2432608#post2432608
  10. radi0n

    Enemy under ground

    Ok, but any chance to fix this?
  11. In coop games like Domination/ Invade i have good 35 -60 fps. In Wasteland mode i have always about 25 or less fps. BUT even in coop games when server is almost full 38/40 i have good frame rate but also have big frame drops from 45 to 20 fps in 5-7 sec. When i play with 5/40 players is ok. No frame drops.. arma3beta - on 50% gfx quality Win 7 64bit i7 860 @ 3600ghz 16gb ram amd HD 5850 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9-F2RBpPb_Y&feature=youtu.be
  12. radi0n

    Arma3beta MultiPlayer FPS drop

    I have intel i7 860mHz processor
  13. radi0n

    Arma3beta MultiPlayer FPS drop

    I have in my launch options in steam: -nosplash -nologs -world=empty But arma creates files like arma3_2013-07-15_19-26-39.rpt every time
  14. radi0n

    Arma3beta MultiPlayer FPS drop

    -nologs :D its working! Thanks!
  15. radi0n

    Chatbox Disapeared

    Try disable 'Streamers Friendly UI' in Options/Game
  16. radi0n

    Arma3beta MultiPlayer FPS drop

    My Arma3 launch options in Steam: -skipIntro -nosplash -profiles=L:\ L: is the ram disk I use free ramdisk software from: http://memory.dataram.com/products-and-services/software/ramdisk Create ramdisk. Set lauch options as above. Run arma3. Arma create default config files in ramdisk:. Close arma and copy/replace cfg files from My Documents/Arma3 to ramdisk: L:\Users\YOUR_NAME done
  17. radi0n

    Arma3beta MultiPlayer FPS drop

    Its working! Big thx!
  18. radi0n

    Arma3beta MultiPlayer FPS drop

    You mean fridge because quality is so poor! HA HA! Brilliant!