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About TymC

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    Private First Class
  1. There aren't any adverse effects because of the FOV, i just think the wider FOV is much better, because you can see more. I don't mean this derivatively, as you port is absolutely cracking, but from the current FOV you cant see very much at all. Just opened up ArmA 2 and the FOV seems to be different to yours? Comparison pictures again :) http://i.imgur.com/1VDUH6V.jpg (802 kB) Not sure if you can tell but, its that kind of height, looking over the gun.
  2. Is there any reason the .50 cal viewpoint is so zoomed in? Or is it something my end? The other view is the other ported HMMWV; http://i.imgur.com/8iLAt9n.jpg (577 kB) Feels abit weird to me with the zoomed in view, other than that great port mate! (If this is intentional I apologies!)
  3. Hi guys! Hope you can help me, I've been using granQ's "Cam Scenes" for tracking vehicles, but when I try and track vehicles which are moving too fast (Jets) the camera jerks. It zooms in close then pops back ever half a second or so. This is the script; I was wondering if anyone could help me fix the problem? Cheers! (I have looked and couldn't find too much)
  4. TymC

    Stand alone hmmwv

    Is there anyway to fix the Humvee floating a few inches above the ground? Or is this my end? http://i.imgur.com/gHzA8o3.jpg (171 kB)
  5. TymC

    Blastcore: Phoenix 2

    I really want to know what you're working on in your basement now :( I did actually make a video comparing standard explosions (wont self promote, don't worry) to the upgraded version, and they look so much better, when played side-by-side. Nice job!
  6. TymC

    Remove HMNVS

    Thank you guys, absolutely brilliant! :D
  7. Hey guys, I want to remove Night Vision Googles from my units but I am using the StalkerGB Mod where they are HMNVS and I am not sure how I should go about what they are called? for use in the init line. I have this unassignItem "HMNVS"; this removeItem "HMNVS"; But that doesn't work because they're not actually called HMNVS, but short end of it, I cant work out what they are called or where I can find the name to use? Cheers all.
  8. TymC

    L85A2 Release

    Hi Kiory, been a long time :) Just wanted to say this is a massive improvement over the old one, looks brilliant. One adjustment if you could find the time to do it, this weapon has a dust cover on which when you fire it pushes open the dust cover, on your model the dust cover is closed. Just if you were going for perfection :) This is how it should be when the weapon is fired, I don't think you could animated it (well it'd be abit pointless) so it being down all the time would make sense.
  9. This is absolutely perfect. Just to note for anyone who wants to use this, that script spawns in the laptop in the trigger, I was spawning it in myself :) (Being a newb I didn't realise this)
  10. Hi guys, I have been looking but can't find exactly what I'm looking for; basically I have an object "Land_Laptop_unfolded_F" and want a trigger to set off once the item has been placed (using createVehicle) within the trigger parameters? Cheers for any help!
  11. Thanks for all the interest so far, we are not yet looking for testers, but we will leave a big advertisement up here when we are!
  12. Update: We are no longer looking for writers, we now need artists! Event Gaming is looking for concept art. We are a start-up mod team who are working to create a mod for ARMA 3. We are in need of artists willing to help us conceptualize various models and ideas for the game, including Player Characters, Weapons, Weapon accessories, food and drink items, buildings, vehicles, and atmospheric items. The concept art for the models will be featured in YouTube videos, on our website, and potentially in game on loading screens, billboards, signs, and flags. In addition to concept art we are also looking for Team Logos, Banners, and Icons. The ideal person is someone wanting to join our team, though we will gladly accept the work of any artist just wanting to gain experience and have their work be seen by a large audience. We looking forward to working with you! Event Gaming ========================================================================================================================================== ========================================================================================================================================== Previous OP [Disregard] First off, I think this is the correct section, if it's not, then I apologise. I have looked around but, well I came to this conclusion. Any problems just message me and I will take it down. So I am part of a small team of guys who are creating a mod for ArmA 3, we don't want to divulge too many details (apart from that it is a Sci-Fi based tactical shooter, you may know one of our modelers, Kiory, from Twitch) until we are further along in development. Currently, we need a writer to help us conceptualise certain gameplay aspects, preferably someone with a background in physics, or a strong knowledge of such. After helping out with that, we would need help with fleshing out the lore, faction history and make it sound convincing. If there are any of you out there that would be interested in this role, then please do not hesitate to ask, we would ask that you prepare a porfolio of your work before getting in contact with us, that will help things transition smoothly. Finally, thanks for taking the time to read this thread and I hope to hear from you soon!