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Everything posted by snowba11

  1. Well, waking up and being shared this info of what has happened is very upsetting...however, I wish my hopes for this mod won't be ruined, as I feel they are at the moment, and you prove my worries wrong. Good luck to Spacenavy in whatever he plans to do next, and good luck to Dog in leading the mod now.
  2. This. This is why I hate this day with such a passion. ;_; why must you tease
  3. Well that's bittersweet, but here's hoping : D
  4. Hey, decided to finally start using this forum account because of this mod, and I have to say really great work! Finally have some bait to tempt my friends into buying and playing Arma 3. Been having a blast so far and can't wait to see the mod finished. On a curious note, one of my friends and I have been making countless co-op missions for us to fart about in and we've come up with one that involves some boat action. I was wondering if you'd consider adding one of the concept boats from Reach, Or do you devs feel that the normal Arma 3 boats are enough? http://www.halopedia.org/images/c/cb/Concept_Art_-_Reach_Boat_2.jpg