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Everything posted by hridaysabz

  1. hridaysabz

    Help with Artillery Script

    ---------- Post added at 01:46 ---------- Previous post was at 01:36 ---------- Seems to be working fine with Ryd and Mattari's code. Thank you, everyone. Until I see you again! P.S: I'll see you in 2 hours again when i'm completely stumped and need to come running back to the forums.
  2. Hey guys! Back. I'm writing my first script(apart from the ones I get all over the internet) and it's something like this: hazler doArtilleryFire [[getMarkerPos "_targets"], "_roundtype", _chances] ?!Alive hazler : exit Variables: _roundtype = [32Rnd_155mm_Mo_shells, 6Rnd_155mm_Mo_smoke, 2Rnd_155mm_Mo_guided, 2Rnd_155mm_Mo_LG, 6Rnd_155mm_Mo_mine, 2Rnd_155mm_Mo_Cluster, 6Rnd_155mm_Mo_AT_mine] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; _targets = [getmarkerpos "hit1", getmarkerpos "hit2", getmarkerpos "hit3", getmarkerpos "hit4", getmarkerpos "hit5", getmarkerpos "hit6"] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; _chances = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; Now what i'm looking for is a simple line that will repeat this script until my Varsuk(hazler) is not alive. I've tried repeating it through a trigger but since units walk through it and are meant to pass to the other side, this doesn't work. Any ideas?
  3. Hey guys I was wondering why my hint doesn't execute? Everything on that trigger activates except this hint. I'm on a multiplayer server and i'm a complete noob at scripting so if anyone would care to help it would be greatly appreciated!
  4. hridaysabz

    Help with Artillery Script

    I'm going to try this out when i get home, couple o' hours. Will let you guys know, thanks.
  5. hridaysabz

    Help with Artillery Script

    Damn, my bad. Sorry.
  6. hridaysabz

    Help with Artillery Script

    I have the markers set, but the Varsuk doesn't fire. I put this in another world and still no luck. ---------- Post added at 14:17 ---------- Previous post was at 12:29 ---------- Can somebody Help me with this problem? It's just basic code but it's frustrating from activating.
  7. hridaysabz

    Help with Artillery Script

    Thanks a bunch, but I don't really know why the Varsuk doesn't fire, would you happen to know?
  8. hridaysabz

    Global Hint

    ==========Edit============ Works now, I feel so dumb. Huge thanks to everyone here for helping me out!
  9. hridaysabz

    Global Hint

    Trigger Parameters: Opfor Not Present Once Activation: _nul = [] execVM "briefing.sqf";' Briefing.sqf: _textOne = "<t color='#00a693'>We have located a mortar position around your position. It has been marked on the map.</t>" ; _textTwo = "Remember the ROE and Hit hard."; _textThree = "<br/> <t color='#da9100'>Destroy it before they rain hell on you. Beware, they will be defended heavily.</t>"; hint parseText (_textOne + _textTwo + _textThree);
  10. hridaysabz

    Global Hint

    Hey guys, I'm firing it from a trigger using EXECVM(Script) but it doesn't show up. Ideas?
  11. hridaysabz

    Global Hint

    Where would this code go? Oops, sorry, I forgot to close the last text.
  12. Hey guys! I'm back. I was wondering if it was possible to make a transition between a moveincargo command I have. It is like this: Empty MH-9 is at base Player has a waypoint at MH-9 When player completes waypoint he moves in cargo of a flying MH-9 I want this to have a better transition and not just teleport. Is it possible to fade to black for 3 seconds when waypoint is complete Then being moved into the MH-9(Could you also tell me how to slowly escalate the volume of the MH-9 and not just make it extremely loud?) Screen fades to white and you're in the MH-9 for 3 seconds?
  13. hridaysabz

    Global Hint

    On Act: hint parseText "<t color='#00a693'>We have located a mortar position around your position. It has been marked on the map.</t> <img image='mortar.png'/><br/> <t color='#da9100'>Destroy it before they rain hell on you. Beware, they will be defended heavily."; Condition: Opfor, Not present, Once
  14. Thanks for all the help. I'll test when i'm on my system.
  15. Editing Tutorials I am proud to present a set of tutorials for the not-so-frequently-discussed aspects of Arma 3. In these tutorials I will be going through just some aspects to enhance your missions and make them look more realistic, fun and have somewhat of a story in them. To start off, these are some examples of what i'll be covering: How to make Ai units talk in chat How to perform different things with triggers(Showcases) Transport for troops How to start off your missions well(in vehicles or with effects) UAV Briefings(no mod)(showcases) To access the tutorials, please go here: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfile.../?id=180166308 If you're interested to see this kind of stuff, please hit me up with a post here. If you need something specific, please, don't hesitate!
  16. hridaysabz

    Miscellanous Editing Tutorials

    Hey Everyone! Been really long since I posted here. I've been collecting things to teach and now I have a couple that i'm putting in this weekend onwards. More like a season 2 of the guide.
  17. Hey guys, Hridaysabz is back(Goddamn five posts in two days ain't enough for me?) Anyways I was looking for some script that will change the probability of presence of one of my triggers to activate. This trigger contains a script I want run but the probability of it occurring should be 50/50. Any ideas? Thanks.
  18. hridaysabz

    Help with randomizing trigger

    Thanks Iceman, BTW would anyone know how Invade and Annex executes it's random side mission scripts? I've written it but it doesn't get executed.
  19. hridaysabz

    what is: this select 0?

    Thanks guys, it seems a little complicated but i'm sure if I sit down and read it carefully I could make something out of it. Your friendly neighborhood scripter, Hridaysabz.
  20. Hey guys, as I have been learning to script lately, I refer to a lot of user made scripts. However, I am puzzled when I see this line: this select 0; this select 1 and so on I keep seeing these lines of code in every other script. Will someone care to tell me what they mean?
  21. Hey guys, I was wondering what the function was that would let you see the whole AAF force like the 2nd company, bravo company, alpha company, and it was accessible from the AAF logo in the campaign map top left? I really appreciate any replies.
  22. Just Wanted to know if it was possible to edit the parameters in the config viewer or how I can change the presets? I'm looking at changing the ORBAT group presets and wanted to know how to do it?
  23. I'm having an error while moving zones. The soldiers at Zone 1 will not move from zone 1 to the new location of zone 1. I have put vehicles for them(3 hunters) and they do not seem to acknowledge the presence of the vehicles. The only way they get into a vehicle is if I teleport them next to it and even when I do that they get in, drive a meter or two and then get out again. This seems to loop infinitely. Any ideas?
  24. hridaysabz

    Campaign force viewer

    Perfect! Thanks for explaining, 2nd Ranger!
  25. hridaysabz

    Campaign force viewer

    HKFLASH, did you manage to edit the presets in any way? I can't figure it out.