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About TGxAltair

  • Rank
    Lance Corporal


  • Interests
    Gaming (in all forms), motorbikes and always having a laugh
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  1. TGxAltair

    Orbital Strike help

    I used part of the script above to create the following: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=203179844&searchtext=
  2. TGxAltair

    Orbital Strike help

    Cheers for the help (:
  3. Can't wait for this to come along.
  4. TGxAltair

    Orbital Strike help

    THANK YOU That works perfectly!
  5. TGxAltair

    Orbital Strike help

    Sadly it still doesn't work :(
  6. TGxAltair

    Orbital Strike help

    The missile spawns in mid-air and flies directly forwards rather than going down. I can't seem to place the setVectorUp line in the right place to get it to take notice and change direction.
  7. TGxAltair

    Orbital Strike help

    Thanks for the reply. It still goes straight forward, I've also tried: But it doesn't work. Really appreciate the help.
  8. TGxAltair

    Orbital Strike help

    Where abouts should I place that? Cheers for getting back to me.
  9. 'Ello ARMA I need some help on my orbital strike script, please. So far I have: This spawns three missiles at my designated markers, my only problem is that they don't go down, they fire straight in mid air. Is there a way to set a target or change their direction to down? I've tried SetDir but it only turns them. Cheers in advance Altair
  10. I agree with this idea completely.
  11. Be a useful tool, save having to script it all.
  12. Link the 'Get out' waypoint to the trigger instead of the Loiter. Should work, mate.
  13. TGxAltair

    Missions with parachutes

    I love using parachutes in my missions, I almost had a script working to get a team to drop in from a helo at a certain location and parachute to the waypoint but it didn't quite go as planned and they decided to just die mid-air hah.
  14. You can use .sqf files to put into your missions folder in your documents and determine certain things. It should be doable to plot a specific set of waypoints for AI using .sqf files or even the Initialisation panel in the editor. I'll get in touch with one of our lads who uses .sqf files a lot and may be able to help you.
  15. TGxAltair

    Custom main menu scene?

    Never thought of this, actually. It's a good idea.