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About Chopper1987

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    Private First Class
  1. Getting two errors, one when starting Arma 3, this happens with the Stable and Dev Builds. This is the error I get when I start Arma 3 (addon 'aia_sounds_config' requires addon 'aia_sounds_data'). I also get this next error when I try to preview any map in the editor... it is (No entry 'config.bin/CfgPatches.aia_sounds_data'.) does anybody know how to fix this error? Or can someone tell me what is going on with it please and thanks! It does not let me play the game at all!
  2. Will the AAV's be released to the Public? Just curious as they are one of my all time favorite vehicles!!!!
  3. Where did you get the AAV's in the Video on Armaholic that you use on the LCAC Deck?
  4. What are these under in the editor, I am using the Normal Build, Non Dev. I cannot seem to find them at all?
  5. When I tried to use the 3D Editor the other day in the Pilgrimage mission, and sometimes in other missions, it will lock up and never come back, it does it and just hangs, I select the editor and the screen goes to a picture of whatever mission it is on and it has the orange bars like it is loading, but it never does. I then have to ctrl-alt-delete it and end the task and it says about ARMA 3 crashing. Do you know what is happening... ? Thanks! Single Player mode, mod version is what I am using.
  6. Is anybody else having this problem?
  7. Is there a way to keep the things in an ammo box or vehicle while adding the new things in the box add cargo function in the 3D Editor?
  8. Is it possible to have pre made ammo boxes for your Benelli and your FAMAS packs, for ease of use, Like many other weapons mods have? Just Curious? I don't have much knowledge on how to make my own with the weapons in them. Thanks!
  9. Hello, I am having a problem now with your addon that I didn't have before, when I look in the mission editor or in the class lists even in MCC the helicopters do not show up in the list, they used to? Do you know what may be the problem? I tried both DEV build and Normal build, they do not show up in either... Thanks.
  10. Awesome Work, Sounds Great Thanks!!!
  11. It will be released when it is ready to be released, They are doing this on there free time remember. So please be patient and wait for them to finish it. You know it will be extremely awesome when it is released and they said that would be soon. So we all shouldn't ask them for a release date. It will be done when it is done. Right Shay_G-Man, and Spirit?
  12. So you will fix this in the next update? Or did you already fix it in the MOD version? Just to clarify. Because I am also having this problem and any single player missions that I try to play have no AI in them at all right now. So the missions usually complete immediately and I cannot play them. Thanks for this mod by the way, it is amazing!!!
  13. I also use single player in the missions and editor and I also cannot get the HALO or Para Option to work!!!!
  14. The only thing that doesn't work in the new version is the Helicopter and Various Extraction options and the Group Gen waypoints, everything else works perfectly in SP, with the mod version and the mission editor... Just thought I would let you know!!! Some of the Artilleries are broken again after the new update though! Like the mines, etc. These ones don't work... HE120, Cluster120, Cluster AP, HE Laser, Mines 120.
  15. Shay_Gman did you get chance to figure out any of my other errors that I posted on the end of page 30? Such as the waypoints or the AC130/ UAV's rotating? I am just wondering mainly about the waypoint spawning error. Thanks!