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Everything posted by case250

  1. case250

    Chessmaster's Wounding System

    I can not seem to get CWS to work. First I don't even see a cws_injury\functions\init\fn_initCWS.sqf. In the Addon folder or is this just to use via scripts. However even when I go to the editor and place the Chessmaster config module there are no options to configure in the module. I know I am doing something wrong so I hope someone will help set me in the right direction. Would like to try this.
  2. Is there a way to make the tracers more visible
  3. I see what you mean. I thought "Tab" was BIS default and ACE changed it, but see that was not the case. Thanks for the help
  4. Tab in AGM used to rest weapon now it does not does anyone know how to rest or use bipods in ACE3
  5. I downloaded the latest ace 3 at github and it dose not appear to be working. Previous version worked but now none of the interaction options show up when you hit windows key. Also previously when you hit esc "ACE" would showup at the top of screen and it does not now.
  6. I just want to make sure I don't miss it.
  7. Once ACE 3 is released will it be Linked on the first post of this thread?
  8. Once ACE 3 is stable so to speak will it be offered in a less complicated installation format similar to AGM and other mods
  9. Hi Mikey, dl your new SAMO release but I can't bind the keys. In the controls > configure addons there is no option for SAMO binding. I am using CBA release version 4 because of errors with release 6 and its "hotfix". I really liked the previous version of SAMO and would love to use this version. Can you help.
  10. Is there any way to make the editor placed units garrison a building so that they remain at their garrison position. Everytime they seem to stay in the building for a couple of minuets and then start coming outside especially when any shooting starts. I would like to be able to have them remain at there posts no matter what. Is this possible.
  11. Thanks for the fast reply. Yes I do get "bcombat started" at mission start. Again thanks I will try this out. Looks like it could be the best Mod I've seen for A3.
  12. I have installed and on Arma main screen it shows the bcombat logo, but in game I don't see the balloons, so how can I be sure the mod is running?
  13. case250

    LEA - Loadout Editor for ArmA 3

    I am new to LEA. Have it installed and in LEA I create a profile unit name it then initialize it. Then I go to Arma3 editor add my player, preview but I never see the option to use the new loadout when I hit mousewheel. I feel like I have done everything correct. I have read read read and reread the wiki but no luck. Is there a more detailed installation document so that I can see what I have done wrong and fix it. Thanks
  14. case250

    ARMA 3 video tutorial request

    Could one of you experts create a vid tutorial from the Command showcase mission. I have been kinda of disappointed of late with my experience with the game this could be my fault or the game-most likely my fault . Let me explain; in the Command mission it seems that the setup of the scenario would allow for a great ambush on the players part, but when I try to execute this my AI guys seem very passive and easy targets for the enemy. With the mission the enemy's main approach is from the north and north east (disregard the speedboat for the moment). With the various elevated buildings and narrow avenues of approach this should create great ambush opportunities for you and your 6 man team if you command them correctly. You have 1 machinegunner, 2 grenadiers (including yourself), 1 marksman, 1 combat medic, and 2 riflemen. Given that you know the enemies approach and all of the concealed cover at your disposal you should be able to place these guys in such a way as to do great harm to the enemy without suffering extreme casualties. In spite of this in my experience I am suffering at least 5 casualties within the first few minuets contact with the enemy. I have tried using the various commands such as: stance, stealth, holding fire until optimal, unit facing, take cover, etc. But it does not seem to change the outcome. So could someone with know how create a vid of how you would do this with a goal of suffering the fewest casualties. I think such a thing would make a great tactical training video for all and truly highlight the usefulness of the squad commands. If interested the tutorial should be an ambush and suffering minimal casualties say 3 at most.