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About RegEdit

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    Lance Corporal
  1. RegEdit

    How to make Bikb files?

    No special programs needed. What you need is to define CfgSentences in your Description.ext. Here’s an example: class CfgSentences { class Mission { class Conversation { file = "conversation.bikb"; class Sentences { class soldier1_1 { text = "Soldier 1 text"; speech[] = {"\speech\soldier1.ogg"}; actor = "soldier1"; class Arguments {}; }; class soldier2_1 { text = "Soldier 2 text"; speech[] = {"\speech\soldier2.ogg"}; actor = "soldier2"; class Arguments {}; }; }; class Arguments {}; class Special {}; startWithVocal[] = {hour}; startWithConsonant[] = {europe,university}; }; }; }; Create new class in CfgSentences for any separate conversations. In this example, soldier1 start to talk first. After that soldier2 starts to talk. So “text†is a subtitles for their speech, “speech†is a sound file with voice, and “actor†is a name of a unit. After that create conversation.bikb file, and put whole Conversation class in it (except “file†parameter), or in-game conversation will not work. Like this: class Sentences { class soldier1_1 { text = "Soldier 1 text"; speech[] = {"\speech\soldier1.ogg"}; actor = "soldier1"; class Arguments {}; }; class soldier2_1 { text = "Soldier 2 text"; speech[] = {"\speech\soldier2.ogg"}; actor = "soldier2"; class Arguments {}; }; }; class Arguments {}; class Special {}; startWithVocal[] = {hour}; startWithConsonant[] = {europe,university}; Use this method with BIS_fnc_kbTell (you can find its description in Function Viewer).
  2. RegEdit

    Position tracking

    This code will output player’s position every 5 seconds. Put this in your init.sqf. [] spawn { while {true} do { hint format["Time since mission start: %1\nPosition: %2",time,position player]; sleep 5; }; };
  3. RegEdit

    Objects Fall Through Table

    I used this command.
  4. Yeah, not the best way, but it works. Try this: removeMagazineFromContainer = { private ["_container","_magazine","_cargo","_index"]; _container = _this select 0; _magazine = _this select 1; _cargo = magazineCargo _container; _index = _cargo find _magazine; if (_index != -1) then { private ["_i"]; _i = 0; clearMagazineCargo _container; { if (_index != _i) then {_container addMagazineCargo [_x,1]}; _i = _i+1; } forEach _cargo; }; }; For example: [uniformContainer player,"16Rnd_9x21_Mag"] call removeMagazineFromContainer;
  5. You can just remove single magazine with removeMagazine, but if you want to customize player’s uniform, you have to remove all magazines from it and then add magazines that you want: _uniform = uniformContainer player; clearMagazineCargo _uniform; _uniform addMagazineCargo ["SmokeShellRed",3];
  6. RegEdit

    Debug console?

    This will enable debug console only for host/admins. enableDebugConsole = 1;
  7. You can use BIS_fnc_inString command: ["two","onetwothree"] call BIS_fnc_inString;
  8. RegEdit

    Spawn dead soldier

    You don’t have to repeat it. There is a description of this command in functions viewer: /* Author: Thomas Ryan Description: Easily carry out complex fading. Default values will be used if parameters aren't defined or set to nil. Parameter(s): _this select 0 (Optional): NUMBER - 0: fade out, 1: fade in _this select 1 (Optional): STRING - "BLACK": black fade, "WHITE": white fade _this select 2 (Optional): NUMBER - Duration of the fade in seconds _this select 3 (Optional): NUMBER - 1: blur while fading, 0: don't use blur _this select 4 (Optional): STRING - String of the music track you wish to play (will only work with fading in) _this select 5 (Optional): STRING - Ending you wish to use (will only work with fading out) _this select 6 (Optional): NUMBER - Use 0: failMission, 1: endMission Returns: Nothing. */ So edit third parameter to change fade duration.
  9. RegEdit

    Spawn dead soldier

    You can add a smooth fade at the start of a mission. [1,"BLACK",5] call BIS_fnc_fadeEffect;
  10. RegEdit

    Remove all FAKs

    player removeItems "FirstAidKit";
  11. Like this: [] spawn { true setCamUseTi 0; // Turns thermal vision on [player,"Alone on the beach, a young man dreams of love.",80,nil,270,1] spawn BIS_fnc_establishingShot; // Your establishing shot waitUntil {!isNil "BIS_fnc_establishingShot_playing" && {!BIS_fnc_establishingShot_playing}}; // Wait until establishing shot has stopped playing false setCamUseTi 0; // Turns thermal vision off };
  12. Yes, establishing shot would stop in around 10–15 seconds, or you just can press space to skip it.
  13. Default kbTell and BIS_fnc_kbTell are somehow differ. Take a look at BIS_fnc_kbTell description at function viewer. Anyway, you can use playMusic instead of say, say3D, etc. Works fine with first person view in all vehicles.
  14. In that showcase, they’re used BIS_fnc_kbTell.
  15. RegEdit

    Talking animation

    You can also use "acts_PointingLeftUnarmed" and "acts_StandingSpeakingUnarmed", both plays looped with switchMove command.