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Everything posted by SpookyAUSTRALIA

  1. SpookyAUSTRALIA

    Cannot Update To Beta

    Hey guys, just wondering if I can get some help. I have bought the Arma 3 Alpha when it first came out, and gave my free copy to a mate. Now that the Beta has come out he told me I should update it, but im not sure how. I tried doing it through steam, where I bought it, but I cannot change any setting in the 'BETA' tab, even though that is how he did it. Can anyone help me find another way to update my game, whether it be through steam or through the Arma3 website? Thanks :)
  2. SpookyAUSTRALIA

    Problems joining server?

    Hey everyone, just wondering if anyone can help me. I've just updated to the Beta, and wanted to play on the Australian Wasteland Server, but it has a red 'X' instead of a green circle, and I was just wondering what it meant. Everytime I try and join a server with the cross it says "bad version, server rejected connection', and I was wanting to know if there is a way around this or to fix it? It is the only populated server with decent ping and high population for me, and it's the only thing I really want to do atm on Arma so if anyone knows how to fix this or if i'm doing something wrong, please let me know. Much appreciated.
  3. SpookyAUSTRALIA

    Cannot Update To Beta

    I'm online on steam and my e-mail is all correct, and I gave away a free copy to a friend... I was the one who paid for it. I've tried opting to the dev build but I cant even change the option, it's stuck on 'NONE'. I dunno, I dont see why he has the option to get it before I do, and i'm pretty excited to see some of the changes so I want to work this out :P I guess I'll keep trying or just wait for the actual Beta update.