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About Mr_B_A_Baracus

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. Mr_B_A_Baracus

    iOGC.co.uk Arma 3 Wasteland Server

    We used inidb. Basic persistence was already included in the Wasteland mission but i had to do some fairly major scripting and changes to implement full persistence with vehicles and automatic character saving etc. Our Wasteland server is down for now, we have an Insurgency server running instead, there may be something similar back up in the winter though when I have more time to script!
  2. Mr_B_A_Baracus

    "Hacked" by [Ha.De]

    We had this last night from a player called AniTex. I have his PUID and the incident was recoded on Fraps, anything we can do to get him a global ban?
  3. Mr_B_A_Baracus

    Description.ext CTD

    Not used this file much so not sure about the syntax, two things look possibly wrong though. 1. If {isplayer} should be if (isplayer) ? 2. Try "" for a double quote esccape sequence within a string? Sent from my Spectrum 48K using Tapatalk
  4. Mr_B_A_Baracus


    Hi folks, IOGC is still actively recruiting, we have our own Arma 3 PERSISTENT Wasteland server (with persistent/lockable vehicles) running 24/7 and have regular Arma 3 nights on a separate mission server on Wednesdays at 20:00 GMT. We have had a modified PERSISTENT Teetimes Warfare server in the past that I hope to get up and running again soon. We also currently have a Race 07 server running 24/7 with race nights being Sundays at 20:00 GMT. Feel free to join us in game or sign up to our forums at www.iogc.co.uk. Wasteland Server Information: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?175209-iOGC-co-uk-Arma-3-Wasteland-Server&highlight=iogc
  5. Mr_B_A_Baracus

    iOGC.co.uk Arma 3 Wasteland Server

    Persistent vehicles now live, see above posts for further details.
  6. Mr_B_A_Baracus

    iOGC.co.uk Arma 3 Wasteland Server

    Persistent vehicle details: 1. You can take ownership of one of each vehicle type (car/tank/helicopter) this means it will be saved on server restart. - You will get the option on the vehicle only if you don't already own one of this type and it is unlocked or it is locked and you have a key. - If you own the vehicle you will get a disown vehicle option on the vehicle - there is always a 'Toggle Vehicle Ownership menu' option available, if you toggle this it will show/hide the option to disown any of your currently owned vehicles (in case they are at the other side of the map!) 2. You can 'Replace Locks' on a vehicle if you are within 40m of a general store. This will cost $500 and take 60 seconds. Once replaced, you will be a key holder and can lock and unlock the vehicle. You can only replace the locks on an unlocked vehicle or on a locked one if you are a keyholder. Replacing the locks will mean any existing keyholders will no longer be able to lock/unlock the vehicle. 3. If you die, you lose your keys and your ownership of all vehicles. 4. You can search a dead body for keys but (this will annoy some of you I'm sure) you can't search your 'own' dead body for keys! Current known issues: 1. When the server first starts up after a reboot, it seems to take a long time to spawn all the random vehicles. During this time you will not be able to lock/unlock your vehicles! Will look into some sort of fix for this as it is annoying, but will only happen every 4hrs.
  7. No problem, I know what you mean about the wiki, it's not the best! Sent from my Spectrum 48K using Tapatalk
  8. Hi folks, I would like to officially announce iOGC's Arma 3 PERSISTENT Wasteland server. It has been running for a few weeks now with a few minor adjustments: 1. Persistent/lockable vehicles have arrived, see below posts for details! 2. Player/Base/Money/Bought Ammo Crates persistent 3. Player persistence is automatic. 4. Automatic restarts every 4 hours. 5. Other top secret vehicle options should follow in the following weeks! You can find it by filtering iOGC or on We are a small community of mature gamers (not a clan) who play many different games but mostly Arma 2/3. We have regular Arma nights on a Wednesday night at 20:00GMT, not always on the Wasteland server, all are welcome and over 18s are welcome to join us on TS. Sign up at www.iogc.co.uk. If you have any input/suggestions/bug reports, please discuss them in this thread. Thanks to all involved in creating Wasteland!
  9. Thanks to everyone for your suggestions, unfortunately most of you were wrong! The winner is F2K Sel for pointing out that the _conditionCode was in the wrong place. I've not tested it yet but I do have other actions that work fine in the same way but they have the condition code in the correct place i.e. _action = _veh addAction [_text, "vla\actions\DO_ACTION.sqf",[],-1,false,true,_conditionCode]; should be: _action = _veh addAction [_text, "vla\actions\DO_ACTION.sqf",[],-1,false,true,"",_conditionCode]; A few things that I'd like to clarify though: 1. You CAN use local variables in addAction 2. I don't need the format option but I had left it in from previous actions. 3. I should really be using _veh distance _x but in this instance it doesn't matter too much 4. I also had to change to (getposASL player) distance _x 5. The if if statement will NOT always return true 6. Locked does now return an integer (check the documentation) 7. I believe _target is automatic, it's the object the action is assigned to. Again thanks to everyone for their suggestions though!
  10. Hi, I have an action as follows and the condition to show the action is not working. I've been struggling to see what the issue is, my guess is something to do with the location check. I'm sure someone will spot it in a few seconds! Also, can someone confirm if global variables work in condition code like the following? Thanks in advance, this one's been really bugging me. _text = "<t color='#00cc00'>" + format ["DO ACTION"]+ "</t>"; //green _conditionCode = format [" _veh = _target; _unLocked = (locked _veh == 0 || locked _veh == 1 ); _garageLocations = [ [11533.004,9433.5479,27.579933], [20786.578,6807.8887,35.678844], [18087.299,15245.804,25.083857], [9268.7627,15868.939,120.79372], [4565.4165,21384.393,299.69217] ]; _fixAllowed = false; if( (count _garageLocations ) > 0) then{ { if((player distance _x) < 40) then{_fixAllowed = true;}; }foreach _garageLocations ; }else { _fixAllowed = true; }; _unLocked && _fixAllowed "];//,VLA_Garage_Distance]; _action = _veh addAction [_text, "vla\actions\DO_ACTION.sqf",[],-1,false,true,_conditionCode];
  11. Mr_B_A_Baracus

    script wait for 2 conditions

    I'm sure I had a problem with (<condition1> || <condition2>) before and I ended up changing it to (<condition1> || {<condition2>}) and I'm sure it started working, something to do with lazy evaluation, could anyone explain this easily?
  12. Mr_B_A_Baracus


    Can anyone help with the textures? I'm having the same problem. http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Flag_Textures Shows available textures for the older games but does anyone know how to do this on Arma 3?
  13. Mr_B_A_Baracus

    sounds fading with distance

    In my experience, playsound3d only works with an absolute path which is useless for multiplayer. On a related subject, when using say3d, how/ can you change the distance that the sound is audible from?
  14. Mr_B_A_Baracus

    Blocking Access To Car Inventory

    Basically, I want some players to be able to access it but not others, don't want to get too bogged down in the details though!
  15. I think I know the answer to this one but I'm going to ask anyway! Is there any way to remove the ability of a player to access the car inventory? I don't believe it's possible to remove the action but is it possible to block in some other way? Like check the player's inventory is open and if they're in range of a car, kick them out of it or something? The only thing I can come up with is checking the inventory of the car and if it changes, I know someone is accessing it, but this doesn't stop the player from seeing what is in it. Any ideas welcome and thanks in advance!