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About itchypantz

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    Private First Class
  1. That worked. Easy. I guess "3DEN" is some sort of reference to the upcoming EDEN update. BIS snuck that in there and has now taken it away. It seems as though 3DEN was registering as a MOD that was required to play. Taking the two references of "3DEN" out of the mission file will allow you to run and edit your files perfectly.
  2. itchypantz

    Massive graphic bugs after update to 1.48

    And. I can eventually turn off the DL inside the Steam Downloads window, if I touch the button at just the right time. If I get it turned off, and nothing else, then I can play A3. It is a crappy mini-game. Sometimes, or should I say, more often than not, The SteamBootstrapper quits also. So. A3 is currently crashing Steam.
  3. itchypantz

    Massive graphic bugs after update to 1.48

    I seem to be getting the same issue. I normally run PvP Arma 3 around 20-30 FPS. Recently, I began noticing major Frame Drops. The game now flucuates from 30 down to 8 and back again. This happens repeatedly, on a metronome. I did not know what the issue was until I got a hint while playing with a friend on a private hosted server. On this server, I began seeing a red chain. It was intermittent. It coincided with the drop to 8 frames. A red chain is about connectivity. I began looking around to see what might be connected; downloading, uploading, whatever. I found just one thing. It was Arma 3 Steam Workshop. I noticed that there was an instance of this on the Steam Downloads page. I watched it. It went from "In Queue" to "Starting" to "In Quere" and back again. This was happening repeatedly, on a metronome. My troubleshooting caused me to Unsubscribe from EVERYTHING in the Workshop. And I mean EVERYTHING. I am not subscribed to ANYTHING with that profile, in the Workshop. I also made sure to tell Steam not to download anything while the game is playing. Still, the mystery Steam Workshop download. I think this is the culprit, but I don't know what to do about it.
  4. itchypantz

    arma3.exe - Application Error

  5. itchypantz

    Arma 3 mid-game crash errors

  6. itchypantz

    Arma 3 won't launch anymore

    you are not alone. What Bohemia put out recently should not be called a hotfix. It was a HOTBREAK! Cause now Aram 3 is BROKEN! I dannot even get a splash screen. No loady loady for me too.
  7. itchypantz

    arma3.exe - Application Error

  8. itchypantz

    Arma 3 mid-game crash errors

  9. itchypantz

    Arma 3 mid-game crash errors

    Same Same Same Same Since last weekend. Started as GTXI fail. Is now this exact error. Started as random crash at random time. Now Arma 3 will not open. Fail now comes 100% of the time before intro and splash screen. Arma 3 is totally dead to me now. I have done all the things you do. Verify, Uninstall, etc. I have 2000 hours in Arma. Same hardware. Same software setup. I play many other games with ZERO issues. The problem is not with me. It is with Arma. Arma. I love you. Even though I really shouldn't. Please fix?
  10. itchypantz

    A3 Launcher Idea

    I have a great idea that must be shared. I want to see the A3 Launcher (which I am now forced to use) to show the server browser it's main screen. On the first screen I see when it opens up. NEWS, PARAMETERS and MODS are there. I want to see the BROWSER there too. That way, I can decided BEFORE entering the game whether to run mods or not, depending on what servers are populated and which ones are not; where my friends are; what is new and fun, etc. I believe that this would be very easy to implement and it would maximize mod functionality and also dramatically increase players' desire to join the vast and amazing world of Arma 3 Mods.
  11. itchypantz

    The new sound system issues

    I can't tell where anything is coming from now. I also can't tell if the shot is 300 yards away or 30. I think there is weird stuff going on in the new sound models. I will admit. I have never actually been in a gunfight, so I don't know what it should sound like, but I don't think this is it.
  12. itchypantz

    Mortar Backpack Name?

    I am having trouble finding a list of backpack assests. What list did these two names come from?