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Everything posted by xiNewbiie

  1. Dear BIS, I`m writing about how to find my old CD Key and if you can check why my old CD Key has get a global ban. The reason why I ask you is that I want to play a special Dayz Mod ( TimZ ). I had to apply me to get on theire server and I have to say them why my old CD Key has get a global ban. The problem is that I had sometimes received the Error:"CD Key already in use" in the past and it was unable to join any servers. I thought it was a bug or something and it is not for ever. So I decided to wait. But after 2 months I have get a global ban although I did not played DayZ or Arma in this months. I think someone has stolen my CD Key , has hacked in the game and get a global ban on my key. Because of that I decided to buy Arma 2 and OA again. Now I want to ask you how I can find my old CD Key and you can check why my key has a global ban. Also I want to ask if you can see 2 IP`s that have played on this key ? Hope you can help me soon, sincerely xiNewbiie