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About acat0970

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. acat0970

    ADF Uncut

    you are correct but the ADF does have battle ready hawks just not in the army. RAN's sea hawks (or whatever they are called) have the capability to fire harpoon missiles and other air to surface missiles. example:
  2. never mind id remove thread but i don't know how
  3. acat0970

    ADF Uncut

    oh sorry didn't read :)
  4. acat0970

    ADF Uncut

    are you guys planing on making an ASLAV or a Bushmaster? http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/51/ASLAV_in_Afghanistan_2011.jpg (850 kB)
  5. acat0970

    ADF Uncut

    Great work guys. you are all truly amazing!!
  6. acat0970

    ADF Uncut

    http://adfgear.weebly.com/uploads/4/5/4/6/4546049/8465912_orig.jpg (264 kB) actually the DPCU pattern is being replaced with multi cam with the old DPCU colors
  7. Thanks Ill try these:):):):):)
  8. i was wondering if there was a way to script a parachute not to open when you eject from a helicopter or plane because im trying to make a mission with a parachute failure. if any one can help that would be appreciated thanks!!
  9. acat0970

    ADF Uncut

    i have been using this mod for a while and sudenly it comes up with an error message containing canot load ADF_DPDU_Uniform and cannot load Voice_male05 and then the game crashes (i tryed reinstaling and adf uncut is only mod i have besides acre and cba?
  10. acat0970

    ADF Uncut

    great work
  11. how do you add an action that makes it so if a player is within 2 meters and they have a first aid kit (i'm using a different animation) it will stop the loop?
  12. is there any way to give a soldier AI the texture of a dog or make a dog comandable because i want to be able to make an attack dog or guard dog AI just for the fun of it if any one could help that would me much appreciated.
  13. make one for each country that uses them mainly Australia because we build them here :)