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Everything posted by Callum45

  1. I've set up a community youtube channel I've set this channel up as a community hub for videos based around the Arma video game series. you might be asking yourself why should I get involved with you. Well the best answer for that is why not... One of the main benefits of a community is that everyone involved in the community will be there to support you and offer help and advice if needed. It is also a perfect way to get recognised as everyone inside the community will be checking out all the new videos that are being released. If you want to get involved just PM with a link to your videos/channel and a little note why you would like to be involved with us. This is a non profit channel so none of your videos will be monetized (the only videos which may in the future be are the ones which I have uploaded from my personal channel but I think this will be very unlikely due to copyright) . Once we start getting requests from people to upload their videos we will arrange an upload timetable so that there isn't one huge amount of videos one week and then nothing being released the next few weeks. I will make people who request frequently managers of the channel so that they will be able to upload videos when they please. The_Professional_Arma_Community The whole idea of this is to help small gaming channels.
  2. Who are we? We are a semi realism group who focuses on both having fun and being serious. We have regular mission nights over the weekends and usually the occasional mission during the week. We have members from all over the globe who come together just to sit back and have a good time. The group is a democracy so everyone has a say in what happens. We have recently merged with members from another clan who will be taking over the group but this will have no effect on how we run the group. Recruitment Information. We are open for anyone to join and we do need YOU! We highly recommend you visit our Teamspeak for a small run down of what we have to offer you and then filling out an small application on our website. Teamspeak: ts.goftac.com Password: ABC Website: GOF Remember everyone is welcome!
  3. Callum45

    Invasion 1944 V3.0

    This looks so cool