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About Stryder1983

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  1. Stryder1983

    Wiki's Creations

    Thanks for these missions. A small qtn about Six Days In Fallujah - Counter-Sniping Mission :- Can't seem to find the spotter... not even when I look in the editor?
  2. I'm rather new myself so I'll just share how I make my AI units wait for each other while performing tasks. for example I have 2 units A1 and B1 then whenever I want A1 or B1 to wait for each other to complete a task or lets say wait for each other at a certain place, I synchronize the "move" wp. Maybe I want them to attack a location from 2 different angles but I want them to attack together... so I synchronize the "move" wp of both just before their "destroy/SAD" wp's. P.S - search around the forums as well... there's loads of info and helpful folks.
  3. Stryder1983

    AI to board player vehicle

    Figured this out with the help of savageCDN on chat. Thank you. The solution - use {_x assignAsCargo truck1} foreach units group_name; {[_x] orderGetIn true} foreach units group_name; on the onAct field of wp1. I also allowed a small timeout to enable the truck to wait for the 2nd group to board.
  4. Hello, I have 2 five men SF units (bravo 1 and charlie 1). 1st unit is in a truck (truck1) moving to wp1. 2nd unit is waiting near wp1. How can i make the 2nd unit board truck1 when it reaches wp1? Any help would be highly appreciated.