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About kaix12

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. When i try and spawn a black hawk helicopter i get a error saying "bad vehicle type ACE_usarmy_pilot" this only happens on the black hawk helicopters and im using ace with some other mods (some are not ace comaptible but until now i have had no errors using those mods) It is the default blackhawks that come with ACE that cause the problem.
  2. kaix12

    Someguywho's US4CES

    Thank you! Was playing with the units just now before checking your latest psots and seeing this. Thanks!
  3. kaix12

    Mig21 OPFOR Pack

    Thank you!!!
  4. This looks awesome! Great mod, i have always wanted a WW1 FPS, the only one until know i thought i could get is teh WW1 mod for red orchaestra 2 but that doesnt come out for a while.
  5. kaix12

    DDAM full release

    Please add groups if you are continuing to work on this mod!
  6. Does anyone else get the problem where guns don't have any ammo? The G17 has no ammo and no mags on all units and the HK417 has the wrong mags and so does the G36's
  7. kaix12

    Edited ACR Troops

    I cant seem to get the repalcement pack to work, the original units are not replaced
  8. Please can you fix the sqauds if you are not going to continue work with this mod, as it would really be helpful and makes this mod a lot better as this is pretty much the only swedish mod as the other one is unplayble (CTD's on all the time >:( )
  9. But i would much rather a version without stuff than one one which constantly CTD's and has broken features (marksmen class unusuable, sometimes CTD's with vehicles missing textures etc)
  10. Yes it is in fact very buggy, pretty much the best vehicles don't work and there are a lot of errors, and the link does not work!