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About Deathhood98

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  1. Deathhood98

    Direct chat not working correctly

    Stream Friendly UI doesnt fix it for me also it happens on every mission i play
  2. Deathhood98

    Direct chat not working correctly

    It isnt like that it doesnt happen randomly it is constant 100% of the time no matter what
  3. Deathhood98

    Direct chat not working correctly

    No i mean they see/hear what i say but i cant hear/see what they say
  4. Deathhood98

    Direct chat not working correctly

    I am still waiting for a response please if anyone can help me that would be great!
  5. I bought Arma 3 alpha on steam awhile back and after playing on several servers i noticed my direct chat was not working correctly, after testing with a few other people i have confirmed that other people can see my text when i type in direct but i can not see theirs. I have managed to live with it for awhile but not it is becoming a hassle. I have redownloaded arma 3 alpha a few times now and even deleted all data of the game in the files and than tried to reinstall it than and it didnt fix it. Idk if i posted this is in the correct place but it would be nice if you can help thanks.