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About PsYcRoNiX

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  1. PsYcRoNiX

    Getting kicked from servers

    Still getting kicked.. :mad:
  2. PsYcRoNiX

    Getting kicked from servers

    I hope to find a fast solution...I'm so bored xD
  3. PsYcRoNiX

    Getting kicked from servers

    Hey,the ping is just fine. between 80-120..
  4. Hey guys I have a problem :(, I'm Getting kicked off every server instantly ,without any reason. This problem started yesterday,before that everything worked perfectly.When I log into a server I get this message after a couple of seconds: "You were kicked off the game". I don't have this problem with any particular server or mod,the problem is with every server. I'm not running any mods and the servers are "green". I don't know what to do, I've already updated the "Battleeye" and checked if the game is updatet,also I'm playing while the steam is online... . Any suggestions?:) Edit: I just noticed that there are "question marks" [?] on the green circles,in the server list. maybe it's related to my problem?