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Posts posted by twolfjaeger

  1. Eurofigher is implementing it currently, and also some Sukhois I believe.

    This sounds extremely unlikely. If the ejection seat can fire uncommanded without the pilot bracing in the correct posture first, the risk of death and amputation upon egress from the aircraft is extremely high. I know for a fact we're told if you don't have your head back, back straight, legs in and elbows tucked, you are going to snap your neck or lose a limb on the way out.

  2. I dusted off my account here just to say I think you've done a fantastic job with this mod. Thank you so much for going the extra mile and making sure everything works smoothly for ArmA 3.

    I saw a couple things that other folks have already mentioned, but I don't know if anyone's noticed that the commander's 12.7mm MG on the M1A2 Tusk 2035 sounds the same as its 6.5mm coax, but it sounds beefier on the M1A2 Tusk and M1A2 Tusk Tan.

    Compared to the MBT-52 Kuma and M2A4 Slammer UP, the M1A2 Tusk and M1A2 Tusk Tan commander's MGs sound the same. However, the M1A2 Tusk 2035's commander MG shares the same sound as all of the other tanks' coax guns.

    One thing I thought odd, which isn't due to this mod, is that Bohemia used the same sounds for both the 7.62 and 6.5mm coaxial guns. In the meantime, this results in the M1A2 Tusk 2035 having the same weapon sound for the 6.5mm gunner's coax, 7.62mm loader's MG, and 12.7mm commander's MG.

    This doesn't detract from what I think is an otherwise solid mod, I just thought I'd make the observation. Again, thank you very much for putting the work in and providing this to the community.
