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Posts posted by irishviking

  1. So this may seem like an extremely simple question, but I just thought it would be easy to ask. I'm trying to create a mission in the valley near Kore involving a convoy being hit and taking cover in the farm houses nearby. The players will then be inserted a valley over and have to go in and help defend the area. My question is how should I get the AI to be defensive in their positions in the houses. I also have the ASR AI mod which I cant remeber if it changes CQB.

  2. I would like to see both maps as one. By the looks of it ALTIS only has 1 airfield, with both maps combined we will have 2. I really like the Takistan map because it has 2 airfields. Altis has 1 airfield in the center of the map, ideally I would like to have seen that on the edge of the map and an other airfield on the opposite side. For missions that would have been very useful. I only have seen Altis from the pic on the website, but I hope it will be more divers terrain then Stratis. On Stratis all the hills are almost the same hight and all the bases are on top of the hills, hope to see bases more tucked away in valleys instead on top of hills.
    I assume that since they added on Stratis' airfield that they will most likely add another on to Altis