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Everything posted by Alias001

  1. Alias001

    =BTC= Revive

    Okay, definitely wasn't RC1, I'll test it out, thanks.
  2. Alias001

    =BTC= Revive

    Pretty sure I only downloaded it yesterday, have you made a new version since then? The =BTC=_revive_init.sqf gives the version as 0.9 Actually better question, does it definitely work on the dev branch? I just hand the chance to test it with a friend and the sample mission that comes with the script gives us both the error I detailed above
  3. Alias001

    =BTC= Revive

    That's just the error I'm trying to eliminate, are you trying to use it without the respawn vehicle too? The error I'm getting looks a bit long to be displayed but the text I get reads: If I'm reading that right, I've messed up the script somewhere with text instead of numbers. I've made this a multiplayer mission but I'm testing it by myself, could the issue be just because I've not got anyone else connected while I'm testing?
  4. Hi all I'm trying to find out if there's any way to edit the controls with a text editor. I'm trying to work out the problems I'm having with the xbox controller, I've got the right thumbstick mapped to the Track IR look functions and its vastly oversensitive. What I'm hoping to do is either manually adjust the sensitivity in notepad++ or failing that, force the TrackIR config to show up so I can tweak it in game (I should point out I don't have TrackIR so I can't just plug it in & tweak it that way). Does anyone know how I might manage this? Or does anyone have a decent free-look setup for the (non-scheme) xbox controller right stick?
  5. Alias001

    Improved Medic system?

    Something official along the lines of the BTC Revive mod would be ideal
  6. Dragon, it's not quite as good as playing the game yourself but she could always watch some of Jester814's videos on youtube, this is a good one to show people how the game is: Orlok, sadly there isn't going to be a beta lite, I asked them on twitter yesterday and the reply was "There is no Beta Lite program after the Alpha Lite shuts down June 18th. After that the first free version will be the demo."
  7. Hey all I'm working on a mission at the moment and I'm making extensive use of the probability of presence options to make the mission more replayable. Because of this, I'm a bit concerned that I might have put too many units down for the players to handle but without doing a fair bit of math, it's hard to guess roughly how many units the players are likely to be facing. What I'd like to do is set up a simple trigger for the start of the mission that detects the presence of blufor units, counts how many blufor there are within the trigger radius then spits that out as a hint popup. I figure if I start the mission and get the numbers 20-25 times, it should give me a reasonable average. I found several mentions of the count units command, usually in reference to checking if the number of units drops below a certain threshold. I presume this command would also be used for my situation but I can't quite figure out how to use it. Can anyone tell me what I need to do? Cheers
  8. Okay, that also shows the same number range. After a bit of investigation it looks like the sites aren't reporting numbers correctly, a 4 man patrol is counting as 6, a 2 truck & 4 soldier base is counting as 11... Seems I've found the root of my problem, I might give the sites a miss for a while & just place guys manually. Thanks
  9. Thanks for the script, it looks like it nearly works but the count is definitely off, I've put down somewhere in the region of 80 blufor units on the entire map (obviously I expanded the area to count them all) & it's returning an average of more than 130. It's starting to make me paranoid there's re-enforcements I'm not expecting... Is there any way the script could be counting everyone twice?