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Everything posted by thestuntman

  1. thestuntman

    FSFLauncher A3 Edition

    Is it possible when using mods in My Docs\Arma 3 or My Docs\Arma 3 - Other Profiles to have the mods listed in the program without the path? eg if mods are in Arma 3 Folder they show up as @modname if mods are in My Documents they show up as E:\<user>\My Documents\Arma 3\@modname it is even worse if they are in Arma 3 - Other Profiles as the path can be so long that you can't see the name of the mod in the Mods panel without having to scroll, and you can't scroll at all in the Priority panel so it can be hard to actually know which mod is which Other than that, great program!
  2. An addon version would be awesome as TPW EBS currently has some issues
  3. Any idea why after an hour or so of playing, the menus become VERY slow to open and the buttons take a long time to respond?, mostly the support menus, but if you happen to die, it also take a very long time for the Arma 3 Menu to come up so you can load\quit etc
  4. thestuntman

    FSFLauncher A3 Edition

    Yes, having the option to load mods form the My Documents folder would be great!
  5. thestuntman

    FSFLauncher A3 Edition

    Works fine now. My mods were in My Documents\Arma 3
  6. thestuntman

    FSFLauncher A3 Edition

    I'm trying to use the launcher but I have no mods listed in the program at all. Also, my config.ini file is blank, not sure if that means anything. Game is installed in the standard Steam apps location
  7. thestuntman

    Enemy occupation system (eos)

    Cool thanks BangaBob! So I guess the optimal setup would be to have the 6th argument in the script call (_SafeZone) something smaller than the radius of the marker, _spotEnemies trigger at least the same size as the marker, or possibly even bigger to make sure it picks up any enemy units who might wander outside the area covered by the marker, and the value in _spotFriendlyLeaving setTriggerArea [_SafeZone+150,_SafeZone+150,0,true]; set to something large enough to avoid any sudden popup of enemies. One other thing i wondered about this value is if it is too small, there is a chance that enemies who may follow you too far will suddenly despawn. Is this correct?
  8. Cool. I was expecting to find them under factions where a lot of the other addon units show up (e.g. I have Australian Defence Force, CAF etc) I didn't even think to look under classes. /facepalm
  9. thestuntman

    Enemy occupation system (eos)

    Also, does _spotEnemies setTriggerArea [50,50,0,true]; have to be changed to have the same value assigned to _SafeZone from the script call? eg. null = ["mkr6",false,false,false,false,100,0,1] execVM "EOSBeta.sqf"; _spotFriendlyLeaving setTriggerArea [_SafeZone+150,_SafeZone+150,0,true]; _spotEnemies setTriggerArea [100,100,0,true]; to get a spawn area of 100 with a despawn radius of 250, or is setting the value after _SafeZone enough (in this case 150)?
  10. Are these working with the latest Beta Dev build? Not getting anything showing up in the editor under any of the factions. They are in the config viewer, but would be nice to be able to select them as a faction
  11. thestuntman

    Enemy occupation system (eos)

    1. Using the script in my own sample mission. The only thing i can think of here is that my spawn radius is less than the size of the marker. I did this just as a quick test to check if the markers were changing colour. I didn't want to chase down units over a large area. Maybe this is the issue. I didn't realise that the script was set with a +15m despawn by default as it doesn't appear in the script comments anywhere I saw. i.e. changing _spotFriendlyLeaving setTriggerArea [_SafeZone+15,_SafeZone+15,0,true]; 2. Just running from editor at this stage 3. I have changed that a few times during testing 4. Not yet, it was working fine when was using the previous version of the script although i DID change the spawn radius 5. I was not using reinforcements for testing, i just wanted to test the marker colour changing I'll have a play with it tomorrow again as it's getting late here in Oz :\
  12. thestuntman

    Enemy occupation system (eos)

    Having the same issue that Dirty Haz had earlier with the marker not changing to green after killing all the enemies in the area.. No reinforcements, spawn squad in a tight bunch, grenade + cleanup the scraps..marker is still red. Have also had units randomly disappear, only to have a whole new squad spawn up randomly a few seconds later Running latest Dev Beta build.
  13. thestuntman

    SLP Spawning script

    Only just saw your PMs checking out your edited mission now. In the readme it says 0=["trg1",[0,2],[trg1],[2,[4,8]],[2,[1,3]],[],[1,1],[],'nul=[this,"area1","move","nowait","spawned"] execVM "scripts\upsmon.sqf";'] spawn SLP_spawn; but in the mission you gave me you have 0=["upsbase",[1,1],[upsbase],[1,[3,4]],[],[],[],["upsmon","area3"]] spawn SLP_spawn; I found your note in SLP_tasks.sqf. Gonna change it a bit so i can pass more UPSMON parameters to it to be able to use "ambush" etc. Cheers for the help!
  14. thestuntman

    SLP Spawning script

    Moved my triggers and stuff to a new area on the map and it seems like it's working somewhat now. Maybe my units just hated Air Station Mike 26 or something. strange
  15. thestuntman

    SLP Spawning script

    @Nomadd PM'd you a link to my mission to have a look at. Much appreciated. Also forgot to mention i'm running the latest Dev Beta if that makes any difference
  16. thestuntman

    SLP Spawning script

    I'll try changing "SLP_Spawn" in my init.sqf version to see if I don't get the script error any more. I still have the issue of units not moving though if I use the script in the editor.. I had it setup using a trigger named "trg5" and the OnAct 0=["trg5",[1,1],[trg5],[5,[1,2]],[],[],[],["patrol",150]] spawn SLP_spawn; which is exactly as you have it in your mission file. The units will run to the trigger and just stand there. If i set them up to use UPSMON to handle the movement, the same thing happens. ---------- Post added at 00:05 ---------- Previous post was at 23:49 ---------- Changed "SLP_Spawn" to "SLP_Trig"....(i even put a swear word in there in my frustration too lol) but still getting the same error "Error undefined variable in expression: slp_spawn" even if I use a direct copy\paste from your working mission into my init.sqf (making sure i have a trigger called "trg5" obviously). Is there no way to use your script outside the editor at all? It seems to give that script error no matter how I try and use it in my mission's init.sqf. Units still move to trigger, get in formation and then just stand there in the editor also
  17. thestuntman

    SLP Spawning script

    Having an issue using the latest version of your script. I was originally calling it from my init.sqf using 0= ["SLP_Spawn",[1,1,2],[sLP_Trig,10],[2,6],[],[],[],["patrol",60]] spawn SLP_spawn; but for some reason this was not working at all. I was getting "Error undefined variable in expression: slp_spawn". I then put in a trigger with the same name and copied the same OnAct string from the sample mission just to test, and my units spawn fine, but instead of patrolling, they just run to the trigger and stand there not doing anything. If I load up your test mission it works fine no problems. Any ideas why this is happening, and also why I cannot seem to use your script from my init.sqf, but only in a trigger placed in the editor?
  18. I am trying to create a minefield using SHK_Pos script which returns random position. I have no troubles getting markers to show up as a test, and I am able to make triggers on these positions as well. The variable "p" below was originally a local variable but i was unable to use it as such as _trg%1 setTriggerStatements[""this"", ""_bomb = 'M_RPG32_F' createVehicle _p;"",""""]; setTriggerStatements knew nothing about "_p" it as it was out of scope for "_i" from 0 to 5 do { p = [getpos player,random 360,[5,random 50]] call SHK_pos; _mortarRound = "M_RPG32_F"; if (count p > 0) then { call compile format [" _m%1 = createMarker[""mySpot%1"",[p select 0,p select 1]]; _m%1 setMarkerShape ""ICON""; _m%1 setMarkerType ""HD_DOT""; _m%1 setmarkercolor ""colorred""; _m%1 setmarkerText ""%1""; _trg%1 = createTrigger[""EmptyDetector"",p]; _trg%1 setTriggerArea[5,5,0,false]; _trg%1 setTriggerActivation[""WEST"",""PRESENT"",true]; _trg%1 setTriggerStatements[""this"", ""_bomb = 'M_RPG32_F' createVehicle p;"",""""]; ",_i]; }; hint format["Pos: %1", p]; }; I made it work somewhat by making making the variable public, but the problem I am having is that the bomb is always being placed on the last trigger in the loop, and not on each trigger as intended. Is there a better way to get this to work? I want each new trigger to use the position returned by p = [getpos player,random 360,[5,random 50]] call SHK_pos; each iteration of the loop. all up i need the code to loop a certain number of times, getting a new random position each time from the script call, create a new trigger at each random position each loop, and have that trigger spawn a new bomb on the trigger location each time it is activated ---------- Post added at 08:53 ---------- Previous post was at 07:44 ---------- I have been able to get it working using _trg%1 setTriggerStatements[""this"", ""_bomb = 'M_RPG32_F' createVehicle (getPos thisTrigger);"",""""]; but I still feel there is a better way to do this. I'd like each trigger to keep a unique name in case i need to reference it in the future. I have been thinking of adding each trigger that gets created to an array to make them easier to access later
  19. Yep I do, will give that a shot. Thanks for the quick reply
  20. say for example i have a script which is passed parameters in the usual way "nul = [[arty1,arty2,arty3],3,20,3,1] execVM "arty_smoke_test.sqf";" and these are grabbed in the script using _myBattery = _this select 0; _delay = _this select 1; _spread = _this select 2; _loop = _this select 3; ...... Is it possible to then reference these values with _idx = player addEventHandler ["Fired", {.... further in the same script? From what I have tried the event handler knows nothing about these values. Am I going about this the wrong way or is there a way to have these values passed to the event handler without making them globals? What i am trying to do is get the position of a smoke grenade, then call in a mortar strike on that position. I am able to do it just fine using ((position player) nearObjects["SmokeShell",150]), but the only problem is that it will pick up anyone's smoke grenade within whatever radius I have set. The reason i wanted to use event handlers is that it will confine the strike to just the player's grenades, and make it easy to remove the event handler whenever i don't want the ability to be available.
  21. thestuntman

    UPSMON for arma3

    I am having an issue with 5.1.0 beta. I am using the "track" option. For some reason i get the error "cannot load texture a3\ui_f\data\map\markers\military\mission_ca.paa". I get the markers for each groups starting position but I'm assuming the missing texture is the one used for tracking the path of the units patrols ---------- Post added at 13:16 ---------- Previous post was at 12:54 ---------- Seems to work fine if I change _markertype = if (isClass(configFile >> "cfgMarkers" >> "WTF_Flag")) then {"WTF_FLAG"} else {"FLAG"}; to _markertype = if (isClass(configFile >> "cfgMarkers" >> "WTF_Flag")) then {"WTF_FLAG"} else {"mil_Triangle"}; Not sure why, as the marker referenced by "FLAG" which according the the Config Viewer is the Objective Marker, works fine if placed manually
  22. There was a bit of a firefight before when i got close to the area. Maybe he got caught in the crossfire :D? I didn't see any corpses around so maybe he ran off. There was 3 men in the two story house, and these were the ones that told me the leader was in the other house, but the house with the leader only contained 2 men instead of the 3 that should have been there
  23. I'm playing the SP mission with the latest dev version of A3... I am at the point where I have to meet the locals at Agios Cephas. The first bunch of locals told me the leader was in the other house, but I am unable to progress any further. The "leader" NPC just stands there and the dialog does not start. Last time i played the mission this did not happen, in fact i don't even remember talking to the other locals at all, the first NPC i came to was the leader, and the mission progressed as normal