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Everything posted by Yogi

  1. Heya, so far I had my fair share of fun with ToH flying mostly the light helicopter at Veteran difficulty. However when I switched to the Medium helicopter I am having a very hard time controlling it at low velocities. I need to instantly put the tail rotor rudders almost to almost 75% in order to avoid an uncontrollable spin to the right. The spinning doesn't stop until I reach forward velocities of about 60 to 70. I encountered the same problem with the Hind, however there the spin is just the other way round to the left. I use a Thrustmaster HOTAS X and the have rudder mapped to the grip axes on the throttle (the stick rudder axis is unmapped) and it is properly calibrated and a TrackIR3 for head movements. So ... am I missing something here? I was actually asking myself if I had accidently disabled some auto trimming of the rudder, but the spin is way too strong. Or is it simply a feature of those two helicopters? It does not happen on the light helicopter and I haven't tried it out on the heavy one yet. Thanks in advance ...
  2. OIC, thanks. Using force trim? Is that in the difficulty settings or something I can set in the helicopter itself?