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About kdubsss

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  1. kdubsss

    Turtle's Armory

    Saw this video of an M3 on the right station.
  2. kdubsss

    Turtle's Armory

    Cool, thanks for the update. Excited to see how they all turn out!
  3. kdubsss

    Turtle's Armory

    Yep, understood, just saw your post about delaying the 53, sorry I didn't notice, thanks for your hard work. :)
  4. kdubsss

    Turtle's Armory

    Hey Turtle, any idea on the CH53, or are you taking each one, one at a time, thanks, MV22 is light-years ahead of what it was in Arma 2. :bounce3:
  5. Would K-Dubs work? I saw that there's a KDUBS, but I can't remember if that's an old account I had or not.