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Everything posted by rotceh_dnih

  1. Hey guys i wanted to change the main menu scene for stratis just to start with i thought i would change the Altitude set in initIntro.sqf however i feel my config is incorrect the addons name is @Menutest and the dir structure is like so Arma 3\@Menutest\addons\custom_map_anims\scenes\intro1.Stratis\initIntro.sqf Arma 3\@Menutest\addons\custom_map_anims\scenes\intro1.Stratis\mission.sqm Arma 3\@Menutest\addons\custom_map_anims\$PBOPREFIX$ Arma 3\@Menutest\addons\custom_map_anims\config.cpp my config file is like this http://pastebin.com/rRJjLWf2 sorry had to pastebin that it was to large and my $PBOPREFIX$ is z\addons\custom_map_anims so i thought that would work but it dose not however the loadingTexts[] do work so it is overriding something just not the scene any help would be great thanks hector.
  2. rotceh_dnih

    G.O.S Koplic : Arma 3 Island

    Hey mate i really like the map you did a great job , wounding if you could make a main menu cutscene for this map as im trying to figer out how to make them and tried to add one to your map but failed. all i need is one working example of a custom map with its own cutscene.
  3. rotceh_dnih

    Custom main menu level cutscene

    I just downloaded afew custom arma 3 maps and they dont have cutscenes in them so i tried adding one in but it didnt work are there any custom map for arma 3 that have a custom menu cutscene? Or any mods? i heard ace did it for arma 2 so i had a look and thought i copyed what they had done but it didnt seem to work ether.
  4. rotceh_dnih

    Notifications IN-GAME

    hey mate , the one on right is the hint command Harzach linked to above also there's titleText to show a message in the middle of the screen titleText ["script Done [x]", "PLAIN", 3];
  5. because i want players to be able to store 2'nd items in there bags and not sure how to get everything out of there bag my thinking at the moment is get the weapons + mags + items. even thought i think backpackItems returns everything in the bag im not 100% sure it dose this way i know im not going to miss anything. and i got it working was missing a } did think to look till it didnt work a 2'nd time so thought in your tiredness u missed it and i was right :) _magazines = vestItems _character; _backPackStuff = backpackItems _character; _stufftokeep = ["ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemWatch","Binocular"]; _result = []; { if (_x in _backPackStuff) then { _result set [count _result, _x]; } }forEach _stufftokeep; thanks heaps for the help this was great glad i came here
  6. Hey guys im having some trouble coming up with some code to remove items from a array the array is getting all the backpackItems and i wish to save some things but exclude others in my example i have _backPackStuff = backpackItems _character; Return something like ["item1","item2","item3","item4","item5","weapon1","weapon2"] and i have a array of items i do want ie _stufftokeep = ["item3","weapon1"]; how do i make a new array from _backPackStuff with only the items that are in _stufftokeep if they exist ? i kinda have an idea of looping the array checking if the current item is in _stufftokeep then added it if it is there but im not sure about syntax or if thats the best way to do what i want and i do apologize for this thread i understand this is pretty basic and i have looked for a few hours but caint find an example of what im trying todo so any help would be great :) thanks again hector
  7. hey thanks for the reply that look like exactly what i want to do and i just tried it but im not sure its working im running the code server side if that makes any difference here how ive got it _magazines = vestItems _character; _backPackStuff = backpackItems _character; _stufftokeep = ["ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemWatch","Binocular"]; _result = []; { if (_x in _backy) then {intersect set [count _intersect, _x]; }forEach _stufftokeep; if ((count _magazines) > 0) then { diag_log ("_backPackStuff gear: " +str(_backPackStuff)); diag_log ("_result gear: " +str(_result)); }; could anything be stopping that ? it worked before with just diag_log ("_backPackStuff gear: " +str(_backPackStuff)); before i added your code.
  8. Hey guys im porting over Stratis Life mission to cherno for arma3 with the help of AiA addon its now working fairly well so i thought id release this as a W.i.P Life mod: The "life mod" has been here since ArmA I, the basic principles are that there are two sides, Blufor a.k.a Cops, and the civilians. Civilians earn money by doing jobs, either legal or illegal. It's up to the civ to become who he wants, a law abiding civvie, a robber, a drugsmuggler and so forth. We plan on hosting two different missions: One without mods, and one with. We'll have a public test next weekend. On our server, we will require players to have a mic and the blufor-side will be trained only to make sure the cop team is professional. CIV's There's a variety of possibilities to earn money in our mission. Deliveries, fishing (at sea), whaling etcetra. Grow drugs, bank robberies or do contract work with other players. For a full list of jobs and features look below! But it's not only about making money, our mod allows you to roleplay who you want to be, although there will be limits in our server. You must roleplay as much as you can to make for an unforgettable experience, there will be different rules on each server set by the server admins. We plan on making our own servers as serious as possible and a place for players to have fun and enjoy roleplaying. COP's Cops are restricted to trained players to ensure decent and professional services. They both have special abilities according to their function to provide the best results. If you think you're up for the challenge, the applications will open once we release the testing version on our servers! Feature highlights: - Basic money system - The ability for civilians to check they're inventory - Two different sirens for the cop team that can be heard by all players - Cop base - Cop shops such as the vehicle shop, police helicopter shop, tazer and handcuff shop, boat patrol shop and much more! - Working and simply amazing taze script that allows cops to taze a person! (Including custom sounds!) - The ability to restrain/cuff civilians (Including some code to make the transition between being tazed and getting restrained somewhat smooth) - The ability for cops to search a player and display their inventory. They could search for contraband or simply check if they have a license to drive. - Working Cop Menu for the police team to issue tickets to player. (In which we also will add more and more in future versions!) - Custom Synced Dynamic Weather System using the new ArmA 3 scripting commands such as setting how high the waves are. - Day/Night script. - The ability for cops and civilians to lock/unlock their car. - The ability for cops to pull a civilian out of their car. - Jobs for civlians such as delivery jobs, taxi missions, fishing, whaling, drug growing, oil. - Market at the main town where fish, apples, water can be bought or sold. - Civililians need to process their oil or heroin before it can be sold on the market. - Jail. - The ability for cops to arrest a player and set a time. And much and much more...! Server Files Download: https://rapidshare.com/files/167244419/ChernolifeServerFiles.zip Client Files Download: https://rapidshare.com/files/167244419/ChernolifeServerFiles.ziprapidshare.com/files/953719184/ChernolifeClientFiles.rar Both packages include AiA however if you already have this installed then just dont copy it :) also make sure the batch file correctly points to your arma2/oa directory Big credits to Caiden, Zannaza & Ylguf for there Stratis Life mission and .kju [PvPscene] for his all in arma addon :)
  9. thanks for this addon its really great :)