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Posts posted by DennisModem

  1. Same issue here. Using Symantec Endpoint Protection version: 12.1.4100.4126. Didn't show up as a threat until today. Not sure if it's a BE update or new virus definition added by Symantec.

    Update: Now when I try to update via Steam, I get an AV notification that BEService.exe is infected with "Suspicious.Cloud.5"

  2. DennisModem: I've had the same issue with weapons not leaving the rail. I know it's not my joystick as I have a Warthog HOTAS, which is perfect and infallible. I'm glad Arma has such a top notch dev team. As long as it gets reported, I'm sure this detail will be resolved with all the others. What do you think about the physics changes in the bird? It seems that they dumbed the physics down to appease the average user, but it makes it more difficult for me to do some of the harder maneuvers.

    I am NOT a fan of the ArmaIII flight model AT ALL. The feel of flying in Arma2:OA was much more realistic.

  3. Good mission. I enjoy almost any type of air support mission. I only had one issue when testing it: the weapons on the AH-6 would periodically fail to fire no matter how many times I jammed on my fire key. Don't think that's an error with the mission though as this has happened to me a few times in the editor as well. I believe it's an issue with the Alpha. Keep up the good work!

    Mission complete in 00:43:29.
