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About Vaz

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  1. I shall have a try over the next week. Out of interest I just ran Passmark 8.0 on the free trial. I have no idea how relevant it is, but it scored 1947 on the test. Is there an equivalent pass mark to compare to anywhere? Or is that not a "thing"? Sorry if these are irrelevant or stupid questions.
  2. Considering getting this over the next few weeks; I've got a new PC over Christmas, and I've only just recently started looking into using it as a Gaming platform, due to the next gen consoles not really interesting me. This is what I got; it was straight out of the box, as far as I know, no modifications to it. I've gone to Can I Run It, and that says it passes the minimum, but that the recommended it is short on only the Video Card; I have an "AMD Radeon HD 6570". Windows Version: Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium Edition (build 7600), 64-bit Processor: Intel® Core i5-2300 CPU @ 2.80GHz Graphics Card: AMD Radeon HD 6570 Total RAM: 6.0 GB As an example, I can run Skyrim on Ultra, with .ini settings tweaked to get maximum quality, HD texture packs, field of view increasers, for near enough no visible loss, although I am yet to actually get a FPS reading, as I lack Fraps, or however else you find out. While I know that according to the website I can run it, meeting Min Specs, what sort of quality am I actually looking at? I.e, am I lower end and laggy, needing a video card upgrade, or will it "be alright"? Thanks for your help in advance guys! If you need any more information I can help out, but I'm new to this whole computer gaming thing, I'm used to plug in and play.