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  1. Glad to see it's working for you :) I got mine 'sort of' working. check my thread (if the post has been approved)
  2. Ok, its 'sort of' working. As you can see its overlaying the ammo count, which I dont want, and the image has no color... The image should look like: _imag = "<img color='#ff0000' size='2' image='r4menu\splash.paa' align='center'/>"; _text = "<t color='#ff0000' size='1.2' align='center'>Welcome</t><br/><br/>"; hint parseText (_imag + _text);
  3. Ive also been trying to add images, but to a hint instead. Just the same I'm having no luck. Anybody get this working for the scenario menu, or a hint?
  4. Maybe your location is wrong, where is your screen_ca.paa located? If its in ArmA 3\whatever\screen_ca.paa, then you would have to do overviewPicture = "whatever\screen_ca.paa"; Every location is from the root folder.
  5. Yeah I've done that, and here is my code _imag = "<img image='r4menu\splash.paa' align='center'/>"; _text = "<t color='#ff0000' size='1.2' shadow='1' shadowColor='#000000' align='center'>Welcome</t><br/><br/>"; hint parseText (_imag + _text); But the image doesn't show, and I cannot find out how to make it appear in the bottom middle of the screen. Still appears on the top right.
  6. In my SQF file I'm trying to add a hint (as a welcome message) with an image and positioned in the bottom middle section of the screen. I'm wondering if its possible to add the image without using a .PAA (I think that's correct) and just by calling a .PNG file. Thanks in advance, RE4CTIVE