Hi guys ! BIG Thx for your support /feedback.
@ArmaSalt3 : I 've tried to find other items/houses/etc since the BETA is available. But it is quite difficult to find the right classname. Sometimes i find a new classname, but when i try it, it doesn't exist ..
I can't tell you if there is anything else locked, but i think yes. The main difficulty is to find the right classname.
@MAD T : I'm like you. I need "trees/rocks/plants". I've found a lot plant/trees classnames, but when i try it, it doesn't exist ... I think i'm missing something but i don't know what or devs just lock it. It is very long to find classname manually with Depbo. I 've never really done this before.
If you know someone who finds/found new classname, just tell me and i will update my addon as soon as possible.